OFFICE PLANTS PART I: Obvious and Hidden Benefits

Your office can benefit from green companions. And no, we do not mean aliens) We mean plants. The positive effects of having them in your office have been discussed numerous times and now we actually have proof, thanks to the study, conducted by Virginia Lohr and her colleagues at the Department of Horticulture and Landscape …

2013 年 11 月 6-8 日香港眼镜展

(图片) 作为亚洲最大的眼镜展之一,香港眼镜展为商业网络和全面的产品提供了一个有效的平台。 2012年,来自22个国家的629家参展商和来自98个国家和地区的12,000多名买家参加了展会。 今年,可能会创造新的记录。展会新增三个板块,瞄准快速增长的新市场:老花镜、儿童眼镜和配件以及3D眼镜。其他代表类别包括:诊断仪器、隐形眼镜和配件、验光仪器和机械、镜片和镜架、运动和专业眼镜、安全眼镜、太阳镜和品牌眼镜。 有兴趣参加吗?您可以通过以下渠道之一进行注册: 网站 –  Smartphone Info Site – 下载 HKTDC Mobile  iPhone App Store  、BlackBerry App World  或 Google Play  ; 移动资讯站 – 浏览  咨询热线 (852) 1830 668


As one of the biggest optical fairs in Asia, Hong Kong Optical Fair provides an effective platform for business networking and comprehensive product offerings. In 2012, the fair was attended by 629 exhibitors from 22 countries and over 12, 000 buyers from 98 countries and regions. This year, new records may be set. There are …


Josephine 在本周与ABNET(亚洲商业网络)共进工作午餐,这是一个新的网络组织,专门为亚洲的中小型企业提供服务。 ABNET 正在亚洲设立,目标是认真对待商业网络的企业家和经理——所以不要指望周末去博物馆或美酒佳肴活动。相反,您将有真正的目标和责任来扩展您自己和您的同事的业务。即使在第一次会议之后,我们也看到了结果。 Josephine很高兴见到所有来访者和组织成员。 在这里,我们与麦考利半岛的ABNET 主管 Alan Brown 在一起。 (图片) 了解有关 ABNET 的更多信息: (图片) ABNET 是一个具有独特公式的商业网络组织,专门满足中小型企业的需求。 ABNET 分支机构正适时在深圳市及全省的许多营业地点设立。 董事、合伙人、个体经营者、专业人士、高级管理人员和慈善机构高级代表有可能有资格成为ABNET 的成员 。成员必须积极主动并展示商业领导潜力。

A Working Lunch with ABNET at McCawley’s Peninsula (Nanshan, Shenzhen)

Josephine went in and enjoyed a working lunch this week with ABNET – Asia Business Network – a new networking organization, solely committed to catering to small and medium sized enterprises in Asia. ABNET is setting up in Asia and targeting business owners and managers, who take their business networking seriously – so do not …