9 Must Know To Pick The Right Office!

It’s always better to start your business within a serviced office, below are the 9 points of reasons why. Proper commercial address Both our Wanchai and Sheungwan offices are located right in the business hub of the Hong Kong Island, easy and convenient for your clients and suppliers to come and find you. Fully furnished …


刚开始创业?过多的业务费用占用了您的现金流? Center O 商务中心满足您的所有需求。 我们为您提供一个商业注册的办公地址,方便供客户和供应商联系您,让您免于雇用额外员工、支付办公室装修费用、电话通讯设备甚至购买咖啡机,让您免于繁琐的办公室和花时间设置,能立即在一个可爱、舒适和专业的办公室开始工作。另外,没有隐藏费用! 现在就行动吧!致电 852+ 31242888 与我们联系,查看或发送电子邮件至 sales@centreo.hk。如需更多服务,请浏览我们的网站www.centreo.hk。

Why serviced office?

Just started your business? Too much business expenses tying up your cash flow? Centre O Business Centre meets all your needs. We provide you with a commercial registered office address for customers and suppliers to reach out to you, saving you from hiring extra staff, paying for office decoration, telephone communication equipment or even having …


在城市中大汗淋漓,四处奔波去见您的客户和供应商?路程浪费太多时间? 您的办公室需要一个更好的位置! Center O 商务中心提供优质精品服务式办公室,以满足您的所有需求。我们 2 个办事处均位于香港岛的商业中心,步行几分钟即可到达港铁站、渡轮码头、前往中国的长途汽车站以及购物中心和酒店。 我们的全包服务式办公室套餐价格也很实惠。 现在就行动吧!致电 852+ 31242888 与我们联系,查看或发送电子邮件至 sales@centreo.hk。如需更多服务,请浏览我们的网站www.centreo.hk。

Want a serviced office with good location?

Sweating in the city, running around to meet your clients and suppliers? Wasting too much time on travel? You need a better location for your office! Centre O Business Centre provides Premium Boutique Serviced Offices to meet all your needs. Our 2 offices, both located right within the business hub of the Hong Kong Island, …

您在寻找 2 人的办公室吗?

你是在找两个人的办公室吗?你想找一间服务全面的办公室来节省一些运营成本吗?需要一个整体服务式办公室来节省一些运营成本? 没错,我们的高级精品服务式办公室可以满足您的所有需求。位于轩尼诗道,毗邻太古广场,我们设施齐全的服务式办公室设有 2 个工作站,可俯瞰城市和海港景观,提供灵活的租赁条款和按需前台服务,为您带来简单、方便和安心。 您将受益于使用著名的商业地址、礼宾服务、七天24小时全天候访问我们的私人安全办公室。不仅如此,日常办公室清洁、邮件收集服务和电话接听服务,这些正是小公司所需要的。 没有什么比昂贵的互联网设置、雇用前台同事、购买额外的办公设备或不必要的费用更难的了。我们的服务式办公室是您分配资源和帮助您节省时间和金钱的最佳选择。 我们支持您快速经营,让您完全专注于您的业务。您的成功就是我们的成功! 现在就行动吧!致电 852+ 31242888 与我们联系,查看或发送电子邮件至 sales@centreo.hk。如需更多服务,请浏览我们的网站www.centreo.hk。

Are you looking for a 2 persons office?

Are you running a 2 man show? Are you looking for an office with comprehensive services to save some running costs? Needing an all-in serviced office to save some running costs? Yes, our Premium Boutique Serviced Offices meet all your needs. Located on Hennessy Road, alongside with Pacific Place, our fully furnished serviced offices with …