
您想学习如何在香港开展业务并了解双重税收减免吗? 那么这里有适合您的完美解决方案。企业家 Josephine 和 Raphael 将展示注册贵公司的完整流程,并了解香港的双重征税安排。 目标: 1) 了解如何在香港创建和发展您的业务——流程、要求和成本 2) […]

How To Start Your Business Hong Kong and Double Tax Relief

Do You want to learn how to set up a Business in Hong Kong and know about Double Tax Relief? Then here’s the perfect solution for you. Entrepreneurs Josephine and Raphael will be demonstrating the complete process of Incorporating your company and learning about what the double tax arrangements are in HK. Aim: 1) Learn …