Halloween is here… WARNING!!! “Scary (Business) Content”

Warning!!!     CONTENT IS INAPPROPRIATE FOR CHILDREN…         Be prepared to see the scariest photo Centre O Business Centre has captured!!!             I know… scary right…..O Dog strikes again Centre O Connect is happy to celebrate this scary but fun day. We plan to spread sweets …

锁定 留意

我们的共享办公空间大促销– HK$2,800 我们的储物柜设施 –$500港元/单人…$900港元/双人 还能免费欣赏我们壮丽的顶层山景和城市景观! 为您提供灵活性和便利性的终极包。 如想了解更多详情,请电邮:sales@centreo.hk 或电话:3124[…]

KPC – 怪物和蘑菇寻宝!

下周六参加一个激动人心的活动——怪物和蘑菇寻宝!KPC在湾仔附近隐藏了各种钩针编织的怪物和蘑菇,您可以找到它们来赢取丰厚的奖品。 详情: 日期:2014年11月1日 时间:2-4pm 地点:相约湾仔道明花园(https://www.google.com.hk/[…]

KPC – Monsters and Mushroom Treasure Hunt!

Join next Saturday for an exciting event – the Monsters and Mushrooms treasure hunt! KPC has hidden a variety of crocheted Monsters and Mushrooms around Wanchai and it will be up to you to find them to win great prizes. The details: Date: 1 November 2014 Time: 2-4pm Place: meet at Dominion Garden, Wanchai (https://www.google.com.hk/maps/place/Dominion+Garden/@22.276759,114.168918,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x3404005d41530ce1:0x608a8502cfa943b2 ) Price: …