What should a invitation letter include for China Visa?

The sample of invitation letter for China Visa is shown below: Date: 2nd March 2016 To the Chinese Consulate: We would like to invite the following individual to visit China for business purposes: Name: Peter Johnson Gender: Male Date of Birth: 1970-04-01 Nationality: US Citizen Passport Number: 12345678 Mr. Johnson is of The Company A During the …


强积金是指“强制性公积金”。如今,香港正面临人口快速老化的挑战。65 岁以上人口比例将从 15%(2014 年)提高到 36%(2064 年),减少工作的老年人将支持退休人员。为帮助老龄化劳动力为退休储蓄,强积金制度于2000年12月推出。 香港的强积金制度属[…]

2016/17 a better year for entrepreneurs and business startups.

The budget for 2016/17 just launched! This year far more entrepreneurs will benefit from the government as supporting funds and schemes focusing on startups (especially for small and medium-sized enterprises) grow. Several important benefits for SMEs are shown below: 1. A decrease in the profit tax In order to reduce the burden on SMEs, the government …