
(图片) Center O 推出的第一次快速网络活动,在这里我们祝贺这次活动取得巨大的成功! 这是一个创纪录的出席人数,我们肯定对站立的人群中所有人所创造的能量和热情印象深刻。 我们想为商界带来一些新鲜的和有点不同的东西,我们让参与者有机会更有效地结识更多的人[…]


生活有时会变得艰难,你需要了解身体的痛苦。身体的痛苦、心灵的痛苦和精神的痛苦都是一回事。疼痛的进展,无论是从身体、情感还是精神上开始,最终都会涉及到另外两个。如果您未意识到的疼痛,疼痛将变成慢性疼痛,而慢性疼痛是一个身心问题,就像您的所有健康问题一样。 一个合[…]

The speed networking event is coming soon!

Don’t forget that on Friday, June 26th from 7:00 to 9:00pm we will have our first speed networking event. Certainly, one of the goals of speed networking is to meet new individuals who can directly be of help to you. But your goal shouldn’t stop there. Each person you meet has a network of individuals …


不要忘记,在 6 月 26 日星期五晚上 7:00 至晚上 9:00,我们将举办我们的第一次快速网络活动。 当然,快速网络的目标之一是结识可以直接为您提供帮助的新人。但你的目标不应该止步于此,您遇到的每个人都有一个他们认识的人的网络,并且可能是与您非常匹配的人[…]

Everything happens for a reason

Life gets tough sometimes. You need to realize that body pain, or physical pain, mind pain and spiritual pain are all one and the same. The progression of pain, whether starting as physical, emotional or spiritual will always end up involving the other two. If you have pain that is unacknowledged, the pain WILL become …

YouTube: Useful Tool To Drive Your Business

Any place your prospects spend time and look for information has the potential to be a strong marketing channel for your business. Consider that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, approximately 33 percent of all online activity is spent watching video content, and that 75 percent of users visit a their …


感谢在 6 月 16 日星期二来参加我们的共享办公空间举办的创业活动的人。我们希望您喜欢这次演讲并了解一些重要信息,感谢您与我们可爱的演讲者 Josephine Lau 一起参加我们的活动。 如需更多此类活动,请查看我们的聚会页面:http : //www.m[…]


您的潜在客户花时间和寻找信息的任何地方都有可能成为您业务的强大营销渠道。考虑到 YouTube 是世界上第二大搜索引擎,大约 33% 的在线活动用于观看视频内容,75% 的用户在观看视频后访问他们的网站。 企业纷纷将视频内容营销作为一种高效且极其有效的内容策略[…]

How to Start Your Business In Hong Kong

Thanks for Those Who came to our coworking space on Tuesday 16th June for our Startup event. We hope you enjoyed the talk and Learnt Some vital information and we Would like to thank you for Attending in our event with our lovely speaker Josephine Lau. For more events like these, please check our Meet …