
在当今竞争激烈的商业环境中,服务式办公室越来越受欢迎。与传统办公空间相比,它旨在帮助小型企业和企业家节省大量经营业务的成本。 什么是服务式办公室? 这是一个实际的办公室或办公楼,设备齐全。服务式办公室供应商将单独的办公室或楼层租给其他公司,让来自不同行业或业务性质的几家公司共享办公空间。 服务式办公室的好处 您可以从服务式办公室获得的主要好处是节省成本。无需支付与租用传统办公空间、聘请接待员处理邮件和电话或购买办公家具、设备或互联网连接相关的费用,服务式办公室让您能够以低成本完全专注于您的业务。它有助于减轻那些初创企业和中小企业的管理费用或财务负担。 服务式办公室一般会提供哪些服务? – 灵活的租赁条款 – 办公家具和固定装置 – 公用事业,包括电力、空调、互联网和 WIFI 连接 – 饮料(咖啡或茶免费流动) – 接待服务(电话/邮件/包裹处理) – 会议室租赁 – 每日清洁 如果您有兴趣租用服务式办公室,请通过 enquiry@centreo.hk 与我们联系或访问www.centreo.hk了解更多详情。

What you can benefit from serviced offices?

Serviced offices have increased in popularity in today’s competitive business environment. It’s aimed to help small businesses and entrepreneurs to save a huge cost for running their business when compared to traditional office space. What’s a serviced office? It is an actual office or office building that’s fully equipped. The serviced office provider then rents …

本周发生在Centre O 香港资源中心的事

周二,我们有机会在 Center O 迎接参加 JCI 龙竞赛的高中生。对于他们来说,这是一个很好的时机,可以让他们更多地了解像Centre O这样的商业中心在为处于不同发展阶段的公司提供什么。 我们还希望他们更好地了解客户服务是什么。事实上,这是我们日常运营的核心,因为我们关心我们的客户!我们的幸福将取决于客户的满意度🙂所以,我们在办公室的墙壁上进行了头脑风暴和写作,这些年轻的未来企业家充满了精彩的想法! 希望我们为他们项目的下一步提供帮助,期待在 8 月为决赛有不同的项目! # CentreO # 香港企业家 # 商业中心 # 国际青年商会 # 香港国际青年商会 # 腾龙青年商会 #挑战


On Tuesday, we had the chance to welcome high school students, who participate to the JCI Dragon Competition, here at Centre O. A great moment for them to get to know more about what a Business Centre like Centre O can offer to companies in the different steps of their development. We also wanted them …

Is it necessary to have a VIRTUAL OFFICE in Hong Kong when I’m living overseas?

At our Sprout package, we already include the first year of registered office services and when there are mails we will email and notify you, you can request us to open scan and email the content to you or to send to your oversea Address, there will be extra fee on courier charges.


昨天高中生问了一个问题!Josephine根据自己在Centre O的经历,就此事进行了一次演讲。这些学生代表香港不同的高中参加龙徒弟挑战赛。这是一个不错的夏季活动,对吧?这场比赛要求他们想出一个全新的创业公司,以培养他们的创业精神。 感谢JCI Dragon的盛情邀请…… 8 月,我们将再次相聚,一起看看这些年轻的未来创业者的创造力能走多远!# JCI # JCIHK # JCIDragon #创业 #挑战 干杯

‘Getting the right people to work for / with you?’

A question asked by high school students yesterday! Josephine held a talk about this matter according to her own experience at Centre O. These students represent different high schools of Hong Kong for the Dragon Apprentice Challenge. This competition requires them to think of a brand new start-up company, in order to develop their entrepreneurial …