为快速网络做好准备 (18-5)

快速网络活动将在 5 月 18 日举行! 当你在一个满是陌生人的房间里并且不一定能认识合适的人时,网络可能会令人生畏。我们邀请您与其他企业家一起参与一个便利的网络计划,让您最大限度地利用时间并快速建立业务联系。 这是在对创业充满热情的人之间建立网络的绝佳机会。[…]

Ready for Speed-Networking (18/5)

Speed Networking event is coming soon in May 18th ! Networking can be intimidating when you are in a room full of strangers and don’t necessarily know the right people to approach. We invite your to join fellow entrepreneurs in a facilitated networking program, allowing you to maximize your time and make business connections quickly. …