认识MR. O!

(图片) 您可能已经注意到一个活泼的橙色小家伙,偶尔会出现在我们的一些博客文章中?好吧,准备好以后会常见到他。介绍以下 MR.O ,是 Center O官方的“吉祥物”,他将陪同我们许多关于办公、签证和商务事宜的帖子和文章。 因此,请随时向 MR.O提出您的问[…]


在 Center O,我们热爱我们的工作,不管在工作时还是下班后,我们都喜欢一起。这是我们下班后的一些活动。下期再见! (视频)


(图片) 我们沉醉在城市深处没办法专注,以至于忘记时间,导致签证逾期这样的事件的发生了。 如果您是香港的游客,发现自己离开的日期晚了一两天,并且有充分的理由进行疏忽,那您可以在离开时在机场解决问题。 如果您是居民并且有理由稍微逾期逗留(例如,您不得不住院),入[…]

Will a Prior Bankruptcy Impact My Employment Visa Application?

There is no aspect of the employment visa application process, when they would specifically ask you of prof of your financial standing or fiscal record credentials. The whole question is silent for the employment visa. Moreover, when it comes to Hong Kong employers, most employers don’t ask for that information as well. So your past …

I Just Realised I Overstayed My Hong Kong Visa! What Do I Do?

Things happen. We get distracted, we dive so deep into the city that forget to re-surface in time and…OMG, you accidentally overstayed your visa. If you are a visitor in Hong Kong and find yourself a day or two late for you date of leaving and have a good reason for the oversight – you …

Will You Qualify for the Right of Abode in Hong Kong if it is Not Your Intention to Live Here Permanently?

Let’s start with the approvability test for the Right of Abode in Hong Kong, which states that you need to me continuously living in the city for the period of seven years and any absences occurring during that time must be of temporary nature. If you meet these conditions and go on with the process …

如何在 YOUTUBE 之外发展您的视频营销活动

(视频) YouTube 仍然是发布视频内容的第一大平台。每月有超过 10 亿独立用户访问该网站,每分钟上传 100 小时的视频,它在未来几年里肯定会保持这个地位。 但如果你还想要更多呢?您还有哪些其他选择来扩展您的视频广告系列? Vimeo Vimeo 每月[…]