Do I need to get insurance for the office I am renting out?

Check out your tenancy agreement for this matter! It really depends on your landlord. Most of the time, it doesn’t include any insurance within your contract, so in this case it’s better off to get a proper insurance. It prevents you from having future troubles in case of accidents or unexpected events.


您是瞄准香港以外市场的香港中小企业吗?如果是这样,您是否知道可以为您的线上和离线广告提供支持?您是否知道您还可以获得设置或增强网站的支持? 香港政府正在支持与香港以外市场打交道的中小企业。事实上,如今的线上广告对每家公司来说都是必不可少的!但对于小公司来说,投[…]

’10 Must Do’s for Successful Pitch’

Pitch is always a struggle to prepare and write down, but also so crucial to be recognized, on above all in the eyes of new comers, investors or during a networking event. Here you go with 10 nice tips that will help you out to elaborate your pitch at best! #1 The Core of your …

成功推介的 10 个必备条件

推销总是一个艰难的准备和进行,但对于被认可也至关重要,尤其是在新人、投资者或社交活动中。这里有 10 个不错的提示,它们将帮助你最好地阐述你的推销! #1 项目的核心 #2 你的目标客户 #3 你的团队 #4 表达问题 #5 给出你的解决方案 #6 你的竞争优[…]