Centre o Services: All the Nitty Gritty

  Looking for more help? Centre o aims to be your one-stop solution for business assistance in Hong Kong. We can also help you with all the nitty-gritty: photocopy/ fax/ email / binding typing/ translation/ interpretation design & printing photoshoot (products/portraits) event management courier/ postage arrangements company and signature chops All your questions will be …


(图片)共享办公与其说是关于办公空间,不如说是关于人。孤立地工作无法与充满创意的环境和企业家创造力的交谈声相比。共享环境非常适合网络工作,而且可能性是无限的: – 您可能会遇到潜在的商业伙伴、员工、投资者、雇主或顾问。 – 在志同道合的人的陪伴下,休息时间必须[…]

Centre O 服务:细节

(图片) 寻求更多帮助?Center o 旨在成为您在香港提供商业协助的一站式解决方案。 我们还可以帮助您解决所有细节问题: 影印/传真/电子邮件/装订 打字/翻译/口译 设计和印刷 拍摄(产品/肖像) 事件处理 快递/邮资安排 公司和签名印章 您的所有问题都[…]

Shared Office/ Co-Working Space: People Factor

 Co-working is not so much about office space, as it is about people. Working in isolation can not compare to an idea-charged environment and the buzz of entrepreneurial creativity. A shared environment is a great for net-working and the possibilities are endless: –       You could meet a potential business partner, employee, investor, employer or consultant. …


(图片)共享办公与其说是关于办公空间,不如说是关于人。孤立地工作无法与充满创意的环境和企业家创造力的交谈声相比。共享环境非常适合网络工作,而且可能性是无限的: – 您可能会遇到潜在的商业伙伴、员工、投资者、雇主或顾问。 – 在志同道合的人的陪伴下,休息时间必须[…]

Shared Office/ Co-Working Space: Collaboration

Innovation, creativity, success – they rarely happen in isolation. The truth is, there may be quite a number of things that you don’t know and things you can not do. Luckily: –       in a shard office, you may find the ones who can and are willing to help you –       you will be able to …


(图片) 难怪共享工作空间在当今的工作社区越来越流行。它们提供了一定程度的灵活性,这在当今的商业世界中备受追捧。想想看: – 您可以随时随地工作,设定自己的工作时间 – 如果您需要扩大您的团队,您将不必考虑获得更大的办公室 ,共享办公室将有足够的空间来满足您的[…]


(图片) 共享办公是一种工作方式,包括来自不同组织的几个人在一个共享的空间中工作。自由职业者、独立承包商、初创企业和其他寻求协同作用和灵感的人经常选择它,这通常是在许多才华横溢的人聚集在同一个地方时出现的。 共享空间的好处是显而易见的:低成本、有创意、非常适合[…]


We are so glad you asked. Co-working is a working style that involves several people from different organizations working in a shared space. It often chosen by free-lancers, independent contractors, start-ups and others in search of synergy and inspiration, that often comes when a number of talented individuals gather in the same place. The benefits …

Shared Office/ Co-Working Space: Flexibility

No wonder shared working spaces are gaining popularity in today’s working community. They offer a degree of flexibility, that is highly sought after in today’s business world. Just think about it: –       you can work anytime, for as long as you want, setting your own working hours –       if you need to expand your team …