Centre O Co Working Space in Sheungwan

Feeling isolated when working alone at home or distracted when fighting for a space at the local coffee shop? Thanks to coworking, all that has changed! It’s definitely a better choice for you as its much more resources and a place to do your business. Firstly, unlike a traditional office, coworking spaces have little direct …

上环 CENTRE O 共享工作空间

独自在家工作时感到孤立,​、在当地咖啡店争分夺秒的时候分心?多亏了共享办公室,让一切都变了!它绝对是您更好的选择,因为它拥有更多资源和开展业务的场所。 首先,与传统办公室不同,共享办公空间几乎没有直接竞争或内部政治。它由为不同公司和项目工作的成员组成,您将被充[…]