
(图片) 大陆手机配件市场价值超过1000万元。这个令人印象深刻的数字为这个领域的人们带来了大量的机会和海量的问题和挑战。如何保持领先?下一个流行趋势是什么?配饰市场是关于时尚和风格还是效率和功能? 香港贸发局的商业研究专栏讨论了了这些问题和其他要点。

Mobile Phone Accessories Market Bigger Than Ever Before. How to Stay in Fashion?

Mobile accessory phone market in the mainland is valued at more than RMB 10 million. This impressive number holds a multitude of opportunities and a sea of questions and challenges for those in the field. How to stay ahead of the game? What will be the next fad? Will the accessory market be about fashion …


(图片) 如果你正在考虑自己创业,这本书很可能是必读的。 这本书是每个有抱负的商人的灵感来源,可以给您提供有用的提示,帮助您组织想法以制定真正的行动计划。 这本书最有趣的部分之一是将“梦想室”作为发展您的商业想法的空间。根据迈克尔( Michael)的说法,想[…]

Awakening The Entrepreneur Within by Michael E. Gerber

If you are considering starting your own business, this may well be a must-read. The book is a source of inspiration for every aspiring businessman and can give you useful tips on getting your ideas organized for a real action plan. One of the most interesting parts of the book, talks about the “Dreaming Room” …

Outside Your Comfort Zone? Make a mistake!

Being in your comfort zone is bliss. You know you are good, you know you will not fail, you feel calm and relaxed. But as soon as you make a small step outside, fear and panic set in. Numerous “what if” questions pop in your head. We all have different “tender zones”, but I think …


(图片) 处于舒适区是一种幸福。你会感觉你很好、你不会失败,甚至你感到平静和放松。 但是,只要您迈出一小步,恐惧和恐慌就会开始。许多“假设”问题会在您的脑海中浮现。 我们都有不同的“温柔地带”,但我认为对我们中的很多人来说,公开演讲让我们感受到每一次心跳。 我[…]

The 11 Laws of Likeability by Michelle Tills Lederman

The 11 Laws of Likeability is a guide to effective networking, especially for those promoting their own business. The book encourages us to look at networking from a different angle and focus on building long-term relationships and friendships, rather than focusing on immediate goals. The book features activities, self-assessment quizzes, stories from professional and social …


(图片) 如果计划 A 不起作用,字母表还有 26 个字母。保持冷静。保持创意。 今天做一些你未来的自己会感激的事情。 即使是最大的失败也能战胜从未尝试过的地狱。 成长始于舒适区的尽头。 成功没有秘诀。这是努力工作、准备和从失败中学习的结果。 只有在一个人拒绝[…]