Because your entrepreneur journey won’t be made of beautiful moments only, but also challenges and difficulties; you must be resilient to keep going with your ideas and project. Here are 5 advices you can use to boost and maintain your resiliency: 1- Maintain A Positive Attitude 2- Establish A Support Network 3- Take Care of …
Monthly Archives: December 2016
因为你的创业之路不仅有美好的瞬间,还有挑战和困难;你必须有动力才能继续你的想法和项目。这里有 5 条建议,您可以用来提高和保持动力: 1- 保持积极的态度 2- 设立鼓励网站 3- 照顾好自己 4- 发挥自己的优势 5- 成为自己的医生 您是否在香港发展业务?[…]
The Life of an Entrepreneur in 90 Pages from Patrick Bet-David with Thomas N. Ellsworth
This book has actually been recommended to me. It is short, clear, and also pragmatic using many concrete and recent examples. After a tough start to discover WHAT makes you an entrepreneur and WHY you are meant to be an entrepreneur, the story really began from Chapter 1! Here we will go through the 6 …
这本书实际上是推荐给我的。这本书简短、清晰且实用,使用许多具体的和最近的例子。 是什么让您在艰难地探索中成为企业家以及为什么您注定要成为企业家之后,故事才真正从第 1 章开始!在这里,我们将通过 6 个步骤来完成您的创业之旅! 1 – 真相:“接受当今现实的真[…]
Merry Christmas from the Centre O Team
CENTER O 团队祝您圣诞快乐
您是否需要为未来的投资、签证申请和银行开户制定商业计划?那么,你一定想知道:我的商业计划需要规划多长时间? 这是我们客户反复提出的问题!通常的回答是:规模并不重要,重要的是您可以证明您已经完成了必要的研究和尽职调查,以掌握未来稳固和可持续的业务。通常创建大约 […]
How long should be my business plan?
Do you need a business plan for future investors, for your Visa application, for Bank Account Opening? Then, you must wonder: how long shall my business plan be? This is a recurrent question coming from our customers! And here is the usual reply: the size doesn’t matter, what matters is that you can exhibit that …
What is an APEC card?
An APEC card allows you to travel in an easier way to developing countries in Asia. Indeed, you can be part of the APEC line! It is valid for 5 years, and it will make your life easier and your travels faster For more details on how to get your APEC card, please do not …
一张 APEC 卡可以让您以更轻松的方式前往亚洲的发展中国家。事实上,你可以规划亚太经济合作组织的旅行路线!有效期5年,让您的生活更轻松,旅行更快捷 有关如何获得 APEC 卡的更多详细信息,请随时通过 与我们联系。