嗨! 我叫 Daniel,是 Center O 的社区参与实习生。我来自加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,祖籍是摩尔多瓦,我正在加州大学伯克利分校学习商业。 我选择在香港实习是因为我正在寻找一个既能挑战又能让我更好地了解国际商业世界的地方学习,还有什么比“亚洲国际城市”更好[…]

Leslie Marquis- Business Solutionist

I am Leslie the Business Solutionist at Centre O. This is my second summer working for Centre O, after arriving in Hong Kong a year ago as an intern. My decision to move to Hong Kong highly relied on the internship I have found from France as an Event and Operation Management Trainee. I feel …


你好,我叫Todd Underwood,是 Center O 的创意战略实习生,在这里与你谈谈品牌。 品牌必须令人难忘,这样才能让吸引眼球和保持关注度,品牌还需要通过在其所代表业务的各个方面表现出勤奋和关怀来吸引人。例如,Center O 不间断地工作,提供企[…]

Todd Underwood- The Creative Strategy Trainee

Hello, my name is Todd Underwood, the Creative Strategy Trainee at Centre O, and I’m here to talk to you about branding. The idea is to catch and keep attention. Branding has to be unforgettable. It also needs to be attractive by showing diligence and care in every aspect of the business it represents. For …