Company Registry in Hong Kong has sanctioned approximately 1 in 4 firms during Anti-Money Laundering Inspections on 1,800 TCSPs licensed operators

Since March 2018, Company Registry imply Guideline on Compliance of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter -Terrorist Financing Requirements for Trust or Company Services Providers.  There has been total of 1800 of TCSP licenses issued within the past 1.5 year.  There has been 1024 TCSP licensed operator being interviewed. Total of 452 warnings given out to licensed holder …

The 2019- 2020 Budget Highlights for Enterprises in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Financial Secretary Paul Chan recently set out his budget for 2019-2020.  Due to the uncertainties in the global economic landscape caused a decline in growth and confidence among enterprises. The budget was prepared with the aim of “supporting enterprises, safeguarding jobs, stabilising the economy, strengthening livelihoods.” Below is the highlight of the budget for SMEs. …


香港财政司司长陈茂波最近制定了 2019-2020 年的预算。由于全球经济格局的不确定性导致企业增长和信心下降。预算编制的目的是“撑企业、保就业、稳经济、强民生”。 以下是中小企业预算的重点: 对企业的支持 豁免 2019-20 年度的商业登记费。 将科技券计[…]

APEC Travel Card arrangements with US and Canada

The United States and Canada are two members that participate in the APEC program. The American and Canadian APEC cardholders can use expedited immigration when they visit the APEC participating countries. However, they must have a US and Canada visa when they visit these two countries. In the US, the Customs and Border Protection is …