Building relationships and business network is important for starting a business because it can help you to take a step back everything from branding strategy to funding.

A good relationship is mutually beneficial, which enables both parties to help each other in an organic way. To build this kind of relationship, only attending business networking events and keeping business information is not enough. Here below are some way to start expanding your business network.

  1. Connect with influencers

Your relationship with an influencer can be very advantageous because he or she is able to access many potential clients and influence on their thoughts.

  1. Find the right networking group

Building relationships should start with choosing the right events and groups. For example, groups with similar professionals, potential clients or business partners.

  1. Offer something valuuable

Be helpful to everyone without expecting anything in return. For example, you can listen carefully to people and openly share your knowledge to them.

If you’re looking for networking events to mingle with the Hong Kong entrepreneur community, check out our meetup group with 4,700+ connectors. Hope to see you at a next event!

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