Made in Hong Kong_Mr O

Centre o is happy to help you set up a business in Hong Kong, which we believe to be one of the best places in the world for entrepreneurial undertakings. Low tax rate, simple and straightforward regulations and the immediately felt international vibe make it an unbeatable destinations for creative minds from around the world.

So how can we help?

We advise most of our client to set up limited liabilities companies (limiting your liability to the companies’ assets). And this is you will get:

– Company incorporation

– Business registration

– Incorporation certificate

– Memorandum and Articles of Association

– NC1

– 1 set of certified true copies for bank account opening

– Company Green box

– Common seal

– A round company chop

-A company signature chop

The process of company incorporation takes 24hours, and the company green box will take another 4 days to produce.  Do let us know if you need to set up a company bank account, as we could assist in arranging an appointment with your preferred bank (HSBC, Standard Character, Heng Sang).


All we need from you are:


Your passport/ HK ID card copy

Commercial address for the company (we offer Registered office address services)

Residential address of all directors and shareholders (we accept overseas address)

Contacts, including email addresses and mobile numbers of all directors and shareholders

The number of shares for each shareholder

For more details, drop us a line at sales@centreo.hk


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