China is an exciting prospect for many foreign business owners and investors. When set up a business, the company name reflects everything you stand for when you go to market. Therefore, a proper business name is so important. However, the company name registration process requires that names adhere to certain naming stipulations.

How to pick a company name?

Chinese company names follow the following rigid structure:

[City of Formation] Company Name [Business Type] [Company Ltd.]

So, an English equivalent of a typical Chinese company name would be: Dongguang ABC Trading Co. Ltd. The local government fixes the elements in the square brackets. This means the only thing you need determine is the Company Name ABC. You can see the full company name can get rather long. So, the company name part is limiting to 3 or 4 Chinese characters.

Can a company name in bilingual?

The company name should all be in Chinese. As only Chinese character has a legal status in China. The name cannot combine with any alphabet or symbol. Besides, the name cannot include following content or wordings: 

  1. To damage the image of the country or the public interest of society.
  2. Forbidding the use of content that either misleads consumers or fall into scam.
  3. Not permitted the use of certain words such as ‘Foreign Country’, ‘Foreign region’ ‘International organisation’
  4. Not permitted the use the name of ‘Political party’, ‘Government and Military organisation’, & ‘Social organisation unit number’
  5. ‘China’, ‘Chinese’, ‘National’, ‘State’ or ‘International’ can only be used under limited circumstances.
  6. Not permitted to use Arabic numerals, foreign symbols or alphabets.

Can I add ‘International’ in my company name? For example: Dongguang ABC International Trading Co. Ltd.

You can add ‘International’ in your company name as a [business type]. But the name should match the business nature. For example, ‘International Trading’, ‘International Transportation’ or ‘International Logistics’. 

Can I add ‘Guangdong’ or a province in my company name? For example, Guangdong ABC Trading Co. Ltd 

Yes, you can add a province in your company name. However, you must fulfil the following criteria:

  1. Registered capital amount over RMB10,000,000 and
  2. Obtain approval from State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

Is it a must to include a [city of formation] in my company name?

According to the <<Business Name Registration Regulations>>, the company can without the city of formation. But the company must fulfil the following criteria:

  1. A national company;
  2. Obtain approval from State Council or appointed massive import/export enterprise;
  3. Obtain approval from State Council or appointed massive enterprise organisation;
  4. Approved enterprise from State Administration for Industry and Commerce;
  5. Historical, reputation brandname;
  6. Foreign Investment Enterprise;
  7. Registered capital amount over RMB50,000,000.

For further information, please contact us.


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