
二维码上最常见且容易避免的错误: 1.无测试:很明显,在发布之前对您的二维码进行测试扫描。 2. 无需定制:带有圆形边缘和公司徽标的明亮彩色二维码将提升您的扫描效果,并提升您的品牌形象。 3. 没有号召性用语:让你的二维码更具附加值,沟通并给人们一个使用它的理[…]

Protect Your Intellectual Property

1. Register your brand name or logo as a trademark is the only way to prevent another business from infringing on your brand. 2. Conduct a trademark search before registering your trademark to make sure you are not infringing on someone else’s trademark. 3. Sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with your potential business partners. 4. …

Key Documents to Run Your Business

Common legal documents: 1. Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement: It transfers the ownership and right to specified intellectual property 2. Non-Disclosure Agreement: It prevents the disclosure of private information of your business 3. Term Sheet: It includes the key terms of an investment in a company. 4. Term of Use: A set of rules that inform people of the conditions …


常见的法律文件: 1. 知识产权转让协议:转让特定知识产权的所有权和权利 2. 保密协议:防止您企业的私人信息被泄露 3. 条款清单:包括对公司投资的主要条款。 4. 使用条款:一组规则,用于告知人们在使用您的服务时适用的条件 5. 隐私政策:如果需要,它会通[…]


1. 将您的品牌名称或徽标注册为商标是防止其他企业侵犯您品牌的唯一方法。 2. 在注册您的商标之前进行商标搜索,以确保您没有侵犯他人的商标。 3. 与潜在业务合作伙伴签署保密协议 (NDA)。 4. 包括在与第三方的任何联系中将所有专有内容转让给您的企业。 不[…]

Choose the Right Form of Business

When starting a new business, It is important to choose the right business structure. The decision is often between sole proprietorship/limited partnership and private limited company Things to consider when choosing the right structure? -Cost of formation -Who is responsible for paying tax? The organization or the owners? -Potential Liability -Sole proprietorship/Limited partnership = Cheaper and …