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Author Archives: admin
Congratulations to Takon Product of winning the “HSBC Young Entrepreneur Award”
Four years ago Jerry Lee and Joe Wong decided to start their adventure on business: Takon Product Development Limited was born on August 2011. Two young Hong Kong- born entrepreneurs that have known to re-interpret modernity by the past, current design by tradition: Chinese paper craftsmanship, bookmarks, greeting cards, dioramas, photo frames and home furnishing …
Continue reading “Congratulations to Takon Product of winning the “HSBC Young Entrepreneur Award””
四年前,Jerry Lee 和 Joe Wong 决定开始他们的商业冒险:Takon Product Development Limited 于 2011 年 8 月诞生。 出生在香港的两位年轻企业家,他们知道以过去重新诠释现代,以传统重新诠释现代设计:将传统[…]
(图片)招聘机构充当寻找雇用某人的组织和正在寻找工作的个人之间的中介。招聘代理的主要职能是为他们被要求填补的职位空缺寻找最合适的人选。 在香港开设招聘公司需要重点关注哪些环节? 需要多长时间才能完成? 答案很简单:只需一个月。 首先要做的重要事情是成立一家有限[…]
Relocation Services with Centre O Connect Our goal is to ensure success and satisfaction in every relocation experience, when using our consultants or the information and service providers available via our relocation. We understand that it can be quite stressful. This is why we offer specialized services to make your move as smooth and stress-free …
Center O 的搬迁服务 我们的目标是在使用我们的顾问或通过我们的搬迁提供的信息和服务提供商时,确保每次搬迁体验都取得成功和满意。我们知道这可能会带来很大压力,但这就是为什么我们提供专业服务,让您的搬家尽可能顺利和无压力。 重新安置服务: Center O[…]
Should you sit or stand at work?
We sit to commute. Sit at our computers. Sit at meetings. Relax…by sitting at home. Sitting too much makes us unhealthier, more metabolically broken possibly even dumber. Guess how many hours a day you spend sitting? Fewer than eight? More than 10? Many of us spend up to 12 hours a day sitting on our …
我们坐着上下班,坐在我们的电脑前,坐在会议上,……放松地坐在家里。久坐会让我们更不健康,新陈代谢更差,甚至可能更笨。猜猜你每天坐多少小时?少于八?超过十个?许多人每天花多达 12 个小时坐着看电脑或看电视。如果算上我们用来睡觉的七个小时,那么每天静坐的时间加起[…]
(图片) 感谢昨晚前往小屋美食酒吧参加我们的快乐时光活动的人。 你们让它成为了一个伟大的事件!请继续关注我们这群人未来几个月的社交活动,我们期待很快再次与大家分享饮料! 如需更多此类活动,请查看我们的聚会页面:http : //www.meetup.com/M[…]
Connectors Happy Hours!
Thanks to all joined us for our happy hour at the Cottage Gastropub last night. You all made it a great event! We had a great crowd! Stay tuned for our future networking events coming out in The Following months, we look forward to sharing a beverage with you all again soon! For more events …