
查看我们的会议室预订新展示。 这是为自己预订会议室会议时间段的绝佳而便捷的方式。 您现在可以在我们的任一办公地点预订;湾仔和上环,选择我们网站会议室页面右上角的位置 朋友们看看: http://centreo.hk/conference_room (图片) 商[…]

Capital Investment Entrant Scheme – Policy Change

The Hong Kong Government has announced that the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme would be suspended with effect from 15 January 2015 until further notice. The Immigration Department will continue to process applications received on or before 14 January 2015, whether already approved or still being processed. From the South China Morning Post, it was said “the situation …

资本投资入境计划 – 政策变化

香港政府已宣布自2015 年1月15日起暂停资本投资入境计划 ,直至另行通知。入境事务处会继续处理在 2015 年 1 月 14 日或之前收到的申请,无论是已经批准还是仍在处理中。 (图片) 昨天说到,《南华早报》称“情况与2003年相比有所改变”。“我们现在[…]