咖啡和茶!!! 我们知道你们是共享工作空间的勤奋工作者,需要一杯咖啡/茶……或两杯……或三杯……或数百……基于上你能喝多少。 显然,所有在一天结束时加起来,我们不提倡超负荷,但只要你愿意,一天结束的时候,免费喝一杯是有帮助的。Center O 商务中心希望创造[…]
Author Archives: admin
Cowork for Coworkers
Cowork space doesn’t only provide you with a space to work, but importantly, it provides you with the opportunity to network and meet some great minded people. Its a place where everyone is there to produce work and it is great to share ideas. O Connect Cowork Space is a flexible and friendly for all …
Virtual Office (Client Scenario)
A client today enquired about the idea of the virtual office. She was unsure what the actual functions of the service was and thought it was it was an inbuilt office platform online to help with online businesses. The name Virtual Office is actually an alternative to an office without owning the physical location itself. …
今天,一位客户询问了虚拟办公室的问题。她不确定该服务的实际功能是什么,并认为这是一个内置的在线办公平台,可以帮助在线业务。 虚拟办公室这个名称实际上是办公室的替代品,而本身不拥有物理位置。这使客户可以将时间集中在他们的产品或服务上,而我们的员工很乐意帮助您组织[…]
Serviced Office Enquiries
We receive enquiries from all over the world from various countries. To create an adaptable cultural difference and reduce culture shock, we provide the friendliest and most comfortable setting for those with and around us. We also provide this same attitude to guests and visitors as this is the perfect way to create strong rapport …
我们收到来自不同国家的来自世界各地的咨询。为了创造适应性强的文化差异并减少文化冲击,我们为身边和周围的人提供最友好、最舒适的环境。我们也向客人和访客提供同样的态度,因为这是建立牢固关系和了解彼此需求和要求的完美方式。我们真的是’Centre O&#[…]
End Of Openhouse Cowork Week
It was a pleasure to host many entrepreneurs, startups, freelancers and travelers at our coworking space in Sheung Wan. They all seemed to enjoy the friendliness of our staff, the magnificent top floor view and the unlimited pantry layout. It is coming to an end of our coworking week in support of StartmeUp HK Week, …
很高兴在我们位于上环的共享办公空间接待了许多企业家、初创公司、自由职业者和旅行者。他们似乎都喜欢我们员工的友善、壮丽的顶层景观和无限的食品储藏室布局。 为了支持香港创业周,我们的共同工作周即将结束,但在不久的将来,我们将有很多机会推出新的促销活动和特别优惠。如[…]
LinkedIn to Centre O
Centre O Business Centre loves the idea of creating a professional Profile for everyone. We believe creating a friendly and approachable identity is key to gaining access to clients and leaving a memorable mark for follow up and progression. So check out our page: Centre O Connect Also, Check out our team Profiles: Kelvin and …