Author Archives: admin
The “International” Package
Some of our clients already have businesses or organizations already set up in their home country, but also would like a Hong Kong Limited Company to benefit from the tax and to enter the market here. And obviously enter the China Market as its right around the corner. Hence a double package of Our HK …
我们的一些客户已经在他们的祖国设立了企业或组织,但也希望香港有限公司从税收中受益并进入这里的市场。显然,进入中国市场指日可待。 因此,如果您不打算一直待在香港,我们香港有限公司和我们的虚拟办公室套餐 的双重套餐将使在香港设立公司的过程更加高效。我们不仅会提供极[…]
Start Up Travels Check out Josephines Profile to help engage in more International Start Up Activity. This is great to bring together startups/SME’s/Networkers from all over the world coming to HK and centre o is the link to it.
开始旅行 查看Josephines Profile 以帮助参与更多国际创业活动。将会有来自世界各地的初创公司/中小企业/网络人聚集到香港,而Cent[…]
Centre O on W Hub
Check out our new page link up with W Hub. They are a great site which displays many startups and SME’s. Its great to be a part of their launch and there will be great things ahead in the future with our collaborative partnership. Check it out!
StartmeUpHK Week
Start me up week is approaching, and a great way to celebrate and support startups and SME’s, centre o business centre is contributing its most relevant events coming soon. Check us out on MeetUp to visualize our great supporting and starting information to help entrepreneurs. Multi-Networking Business Community Hong Kong, HK 2,765 Connectors We all …
启动我的一周即将到来,庆祝和支持初创公司和中小企业的好方法,center o 商务中心 即将推出其相关的活动。在 MeetUp 上查看我们,以可视化我们的重要支持和启动信息,来帮助企业家。 (图片) 这不仅仅是一周的业务支持和活动,我们将持续到 11 月和 1[…]
无论您是来中国旅游还是出差,我们都可以帮助您在大约 4 天内处理您的申请。 我们只需要: