#1 共享办公空间:社会因素。你期望什么?

在共享办公的众多好处中,社会因素可能是最具吸引力和最具争议的因素之一。 有些人会在社交、社交、相互支持、向他人学习和应对孤独方面谈论它。 而其他人会想知道隐私问题以及他们是否会受到同事的打扰。 也许,您对这个问题的看法取决于您对共享办公的期望。共享办公可以成为[…]

Company Secretary– Be careful who you choose

As the Company Secretary role cannot be the Directors or the Shareholders within the same company, another individual or entity must be nominated. There have been cases where Directors or Shareholders have chosen their friend or another individual entity as their Company Secretary which has turned out in a difficult and costly situation. Recently we have a …

Company Incorporation (Tax and Invoice Scenario)

A client today was enquiring about our Hong Kong Company Incorporation services and was specifically concerned with invoicing to his clients in the future. Hong Kong is much more casual than most places, therefore keeping both receipts and invoices for future reference especially tax and expenses is a bonus. We help our clients with claims …


今天有一位客户询问我们的香港公司注册服务,还特别关注将来给客户的发票。 香港比大多数地方更随意,因此保留收据和发票以备将来参考,尤其是税收和费用是一笔奖金。 只要客户保留其费用和发票的硬拷贝证据,我们就可以帮助他们进行税收索赔。在提供所有证据的情况下,让过程变[…]


由于公司秘书的不能是同一家公司的董事或股东,因此必须提名其他个人或实体。曾有董事或股东选择他们的朋友或其他个人实体作为他们的公司秘书的情况,但结果却是困难重重且代价高昂。 最近我们有一个案例,客户提名他在香港的朋友担任公司秘书。 这位朋友已经改变了他的住址,忘[…]


We would like to thank Stephen Barnes and Davide Patricio for presenting clear and accurate information from debatable complex processes of getting a European Passport. They really made it sound easy. Don’t worry, if you missed our session on Monday, we are holding another on Wednesday 22nd of October and one in CanChamHK Boardroom on …

Wondering what you are getting for Registered Office Address Service

When registering for a company address services with centre o connect. You’ll get both your PERSONAL and COMPANY letters and parcels looked after.   We provide both company and personal names for mail and parcels. We certainly will not mix the two or combine them. For more detail, email: sales@centreo.hk or tel: 3124 2888


使用center o connect 注册公司地址服务时,您的个人和公司信件和包裹都会得到妥善处理。我们为邮件和包裹提供公司名称和个人名称。当然,我们不会将两者混合或结合起来。 如想了了解更多详情,请电邮:sales@centreo.hk 或电话:3124 2[…]