Tax Filing And Annual Reporting for A WFOE

A WFOE is required to update its books on a regular basis. You will need to: –       File a tax return (monthly) –       File individual tax return report (monthly) –       File Corporate Income Tax Report (quarterly) –       File Annual Corporate Income Tax Report (annually, after the accounting year end) More on annual reporting A WFOE is …

外商独资 企业的纳税申报和年度报告

(图片) 外商独资企业需要定期更新账簿。您需要: – 提交纳税申报表(每月) – 提交个人纳税申报表(每月) – 提交企业所得税报告(季度) – 提交年度企业所得税报告(每年,会计年度结束后) 更多关于年度报告 根据公司法,外商独资企业必须准备经审计的账目。此[…]

WFOE People: Shareholders, Directors, Representatives and Supervisors

SHAREHOLDERS  WFOE requires one shareholder/member, whose details are registered in the local Administration for Industry and Commerce. The director can be of any nationality, except Chinese, and meetings can take place anywhere. DIRECTOR/BOARD OF DIRECTORS A minimum of one director is required, whose details must be registered in the local Administration of Industry and Commerce. …

Requirements for Registered Capital for a WFOE in China

The minimum requirement for registered capital is RMB 30, 000 (USD 4, 950). Under the company’s laws the paid-up capital is equal to the registered capital. Investors and shareholders must contribute the full amount of registered capital and deposit the money into a specified bank account in the name of the WFOE. In case of …

外商独资 企业在中国的注册资本要求

(图片) 注册资本最低要求为30, 000元人民币(4, 950美元)。根据公司法律,实收资本等于注册资本。投资者和股东必须缴纳全额注册资本,并将资金存入外商独资企业名下的指定银行账户。 如果是深圳的服务型公司,最低注册资本要求为100, 000元人民币(16[…]


(图片) 股东 外商独资企业需要一名股东/成员,其详细信息已在当地工商行政管理部门注册。董事可以是除中国以外的任何国籍,会议可以在任何地方举行。 董事/董事会 至少需要一名董事,其详细信息必须在当地工商行政管理部门注册。唯一董事是执行董事或常务董事,可以是任何[…]

Why Every College Student Should Intern At A Startup

You are a young ambitions college graduate, ready to take on the working world. You are looking for a summer internship to get experience and are being luckily presented with two options: Google or a small startup in somebody’s  garage. What do you choose? It seems like a no-brainer. Yet, according to a recent article …


(图片) 你是一个年轻有抱负的大学毕业生,准备好迎接工作世界。您正在寻找暑期实习来获得经验,幸运的是,您有两个选择:谷歌或别人车库中的小型创业公司。你选择什么?这似乎是一个明智的选择。然而,根据 Muse 最近的一篇文章,问题似乎远不止于此。 “在小公司工作会[…]