Is Social Media Important To Your Business

There is no doubt that technology is an important part of our daily lives, with our smart phones and tablets in our hands, information is always readily accessible. Many still solely rely on traditional marketing, when integrating the two – traditional and digital marketing, is key to cost efficiency and effective customer reach. Hopefully some …

CES 2014 Continued: Bluetooth Paper Airplane Kit by PowerUp Toys

Time for some old-fashioned fun. Wait, did we say old-fashioned? Scratch that! PowerUp Toy’s plane is not your typical paper plane. At least, not after you attach the Bluetooth powered module and pair it with your phone. You can fly for about 10 minutes of battery, but recharging only takes about 15 minutes. Pilots can …

CES 2014 续:POWERUP TOYS 的蓝牙纸飞机套件

(图片) 是时候享受一些老式的乐趣了。等等,我们说的是老式吗?把它擦掉!PowerUp Toy 的飞机不是典型的纸飞机。至少,不是在您连接蓝牙供电模块并将其与手机配对之后。您可以飞行大约 10 分钟,而充电只需要大约 15 分钟。飞行员可以通过向左或向右倾斜 […]


技术是我们日常生活的重要组成部分,我们的智能手机和平板电脑在我们手中,信息随时可用。许多人仍然完全依赖传统营销,当整合传统营销和数字营销两者时,是成本效率和有效客户覆盖的关键。希望这些要点概述中的一些内容对您的业务有利: (图片)

CES 2014 续:TOBII 眼球追踪传感器

(图片) 另一个创新但有望很快成为主流的小工具是 Tobii 眼球追踪传感器。 传感器取代了您的鼠标,让您的眼睛可以选择图标或链接、滚动和放大地图,并向坏人投掷巨石(如展位演示中所示)。反应出奇的流畅和自然。就像之前的 Kinnect 一样,这项技术必然会得到[…]

CES 2014 Continued: Kurio Kids Phone. Parents rejoice!

Looking to acknowledge the fact that kids are getting smartphones at a younger and younger age, Kurio unveiled their kid’s phone. In addition to having an array of great kiddie features, it has something for the parents as well – parental control that will allow you to restrict phone use to certain hours of the …

CES 2014 续:KURIO 儿童电话。

(图片) 为了承认孩子们在越来越年轻的时候使用智能手机的事实,Kurio 推出了他们孩子的手机。 除了拥有一系列出色的儿童功能外,它还为父母提供了一些东西, 父母控制可以让您将手机的使用限制在一天中的特定时间,以及花多少时间发短信而不是打电话。