Author Archives: admin
Tip of the Day – Have free time – Network!
If you find yourself with extra time after work and are looking for a useful activity – attend a networking event. Networking is a great way to get new potential business leads, meet talents in your field or simply get to know great people. In addition to being a useful business tool, networking is simply …
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每日小贴士 – 有空闲时间 – 网络!
(图片) 如果您发现自己下班后有额外的时间并且正在寻找有用的活动 – 参加社交活动。网络是获得新的潜在业务线索、结识您所在领域的人才或结识优秀人才的好方法。除了作为一种有用的商业工具之外,网络只是度过一个免费夜晚的一种有趣方式。或许你最终可能会遇到[…]
Have you met Pinterest?
You’ve probably heard the phrase “pin it” a million times. And we are sure you’ve heard of Pinterest. But just in case these words have not peaked your curiosity, we are happy to give you a short tour. Started in 2010, Pinterest is a virtual…well, pin board. And just like a pin board in the …
A Good Way to Start Your Day
A few days ago I heard and interesting piece of advice that I would be happy to share. The advice was – wake up one hour earlier. Does not sound too fun, does it? But think about getting one extra hour in your day and using it for something that will help you prepare for …
(图片) 您可能已经听过“别动”这个词一百万次。我们相信您听说过 Pinterest。但是,为了防止这些话没有引起您的好奇心,我们很高兴为您提供一个简短的游览。 始于 2010 年,Pinterest 是一个虚拟的……嗯,别针板。就像线下世界中的别针板一样,P[…]
(图片) 你在考虑换工作?您已经有了下一个理想的职位,甚至已经决定开始自己的事业?无论您对新前景多么兴奋,都需要考虑签证问题。 在开始为香港的任何其他人(包括您自己)工作之前,您需要接受所谓的担保申请! 您必须将其视为全新的签证申请。护照上的“就业”印章不[…]
(图片) 在香港外籍人士中,往返于香港和中国大陆之间的旅行非常普遍。因此,及时了解所有进入和退出政策的变化非常重要。 中华人民共和国国务院宣布了新的移民条例,自2013 年9 月 1日起生效。 主要变化是: •专业人士——高层次的外国专业人士和有高需求人才的个[…]