设立代表处 首先,公司必须在营业地点设立后的1个月内到公司注册处办理注册手续。此外,他们必须在开业后一个月内到税务局商业登记署登记。 对于有关设立代表处的更多详情,请通过 sales@centreo.hk 或 +852 31242888 与我们联系。 最后,我[…]
Author Archives: admin
What is the Procedure for Setting up a Representative Office?
Set up a Representative Office First, the company must complete the registration procedure with the Companies Registry within 1 month of the establishment of the place of business. Also, they must register with the Business Registration Office of the Inland Revenue Department within one month of the commencement of business. Further, For more details about setting …
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CENTRE O 更新 – 公司秘书更名
Contre O 更新 公司秘书更名 2018 年,Center O 将增加新的支持服务,以帮助我们的企业家进行现金流和时间管理。这是为了更好地为我们的客户服务,并遵循公司注册处的新要求。此外,我们正在重新构建我们的工作流程,贵公司秘书的姓名将从 Rich E[…]
Centre O Update COMPANY SECRETARY NAME CHANGE In 2018 Centre O is adding new supporting services to help our entrepreneurs on their cash flow & time management. This is to better serve our clients and to follow the new requirements from the Company Registry. Also, we are re-structuring our workflow. Further, your company secretary’s name will be …
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heheeld香港国际珠宝展 香港国际钻石、宝石和珍珠展已经到了第 35届 。香港国际珠宝展将于3月1日至5日举行,而展览会在香港会议展览中心举行。此外,专业观众入场费为 100 元港币,且必须年满 18 岁。在这个珠宝展上,参观者可以找到各种珠宝;包括手表、[…]
The Hong Kong International Jewellery Show
heheeldThe Hong Kong International Jewellery Show The Hong Kong International Diamond, Gem, and Pearl show is back in its the 35th addition. The Hong Kong International Jewellery Show will be held from 1st March to 5th March. Further, The show is at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. In addition, admission is HK$100 for trade …
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注册商标的流程? 一旦收到您的商标申请,审查员将根据代码对其进行处理。过程是 应用 缺陷检查 检索和审查 反对刊物 听力 登记 申请的时间通常为 6-8 个月,因此提前计划是关键。 有关工艺商标的更多信息,请随时通过 sales@centreo.hk 与我们联[…]
什么是服务供应协议? 当您销售商品或服务时,要确保您也使用服务供应协议。服务供应协议是一份合同,描述一个企业为另一个企业提供的所有服务,以及服务水平、时间表、费用、付款时间以及如何更改/终止协议。 在 Center O,我们设立了服务供应协议,作为我们虚拟办公[…]
WHAT IS A SUPPLY OF SERVICES AGREEMENT? When you are selling goods or services, make sure you also use a Supply of Services Agreement. A Supply of Services Agreement is a contract describing all the services one business provides another, as well as the service levels, timescales, fees, when payments will be made, and how …
The Hong Kong International Diamond, Gem and Pearl Show
The Hong Kong International Diamond, Gem and Pearl Show The Hong Kong International Diamond, Gem and Pearl Show will be held from the 27th of February to the 3rd of March. The is the 5th time and again will the event take place in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Further, the admission is HK$100 …
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