香港国际钻石、宝石及珍珠展 香港国际钻石、宝石及珍珠展将于2月27日至3月3日举行。该活动已第五次在香港会议展览中心举行。此外,专业观众入场费为100 元港币 ,且必须年满 18 岁。将会有1,906家参展商展示他们的珠宝供参观者购买,还有钻石、珍珠和宝石/半[…]
Author Archives: admin
农历新年的三个小贴士 中国新年快到了!今年的元旦是2月16日,也是狗年。1958年、1970年、1982年、1994年、2006年出生的人属狗,今年有福气啦! 2月16日元旦,中国人有送红包的传统,寓意人们好运。他们将与家人共享大餐,并进行一些文化活动,如观看[…]
Three Tips to Follow For Fortunate Chinese New Year
Three Tips to Follow For a Fortunate Chinese New Year Chinese New Year is approaching! This New Year’s Day will be on 16 February and is also the year of dog. If you are born in 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994 and 2006, having zodiac sign of dog, this year you will be blessed! In the New …
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The process of registering a trademark?
The process of registering a trademark? Once the application for your trademark has been received, an examiner will process it according to code. The process is Application Deficiencies Checking Search & Examination Publication for Opposition Hearing Registration Time Required for the application is usually 6-8 months, so planning ahead here is key. For more information …
Why register a trademark in Hong Kong?
Why register a trademark in Hong Kong? Registering your trademark in Hong Kong means you can: Have the exclusive right to use the trademark No one else may use your individual trademark. If someone uses your trademark without permission, they are liable for infringement of your rights and you may take legal action. Registering makes …
为什么要在香港注册商标? 在香港注册商标意味着您可以: 拥有商标专用权 其他人不得使用您的个人商标。如果有人未经许可使用您的商标,您可以采取法律行动,他们将对侵犯您的权利承担责任。 注册可以轻松证明您是所有者并限制使用 去商标注册处很容易,但在申请之前,最好确[…]
什么是商标? 首先,商标是将一个企业的品牌与另一个企业的品牌区分开来的标志/符号。它可以是文字、指示、设计、字母或任何其他定义特征。什么是标志?可以用图形表示来作为商标的标志。 最后,有关商标的更多信息,请通过 或直接致电 […]
What is a trademark?
What is a Trademark? First and foremost, a trademark is a sign/symbol that distinguishes the brand of one business from the other. Furthermore, it can be words, indications, designs, letters, or any other defining characteristics. What is a sign? A sign as a trademark can be represented graphically. Last, for more information about trademark, kindly contact …
企业家访谈 FYIONA
企业家访谈 Fyiona 导言 Fyiona 最近在 Center O 的帮助下成立了她的公司“Wholistic Coachsulting”,开始了她的创业之旅。她很高兴地接受了分享她迈出成为企业家的步骤的经验! 享受阅读🙂 访谈 1) 是什么让你成[…]
Entrepreneur Interview Fyiona ~ Millennial Engagement Expert
Entrepreneur Interview Fyiona An introduction Fyiona recently started her entrepreneurial journey by founding her company ‘Wholistic Coachsulting’ with the help of Centre O. She nicely accepted to share her experience about taking the step of becoming an entrepreneur! Enjoy reading The interview 1) What made you became an entrepreneur? First, As the youngest Head of Operations in …
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