When a business is collaborating with another business to provide referrals, it would be smart to outline the agreement with a Business Referral Agreement. This agreement delineate details including: How much?, When?, and How the referrer will be paid? This type of agreement can help support the development of your business. For more information on Hong Kong …
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当一家企业与另一家企业合作提供推荐时,用企业推荐协议概述协议是明智的。该协议描述的细节包括:多少?、何时?以及推荐人将如何获得报酬? 此类协议有助于支持您的业务发展。有关香港业务的更多信息,请通过 sales@centreo.hk 与我们联系或致电 +852 […]
Sending late payment letters is a useful way to chase overdue invoices. Sending this type of letter should prompt the customer to pay the overdue amount. If the debt remains outstanding, you should send a second payment reminder letter at a time you deem reasonable, taking into account the number of days you have given the client to …
Commercial Bank Account Opening
Commercial Bank Account Opening in Hong Kong Are you having trouble getting a commercial bank account in Hong Kong? You might have noticed the continuous changing of bank rules, new regulations, and compliances. These cause a lot of traditional banks in Hong Kong are turning businesses away. Many clients are expressing to us that they are just running a straightforward e-commerce business or a …
香港商业银行开户 您在香港获得商业银行账户有困难吗?您可能已经注意到银行规则、新法规和合规性的不断变化。这导致许多香港的传统银行将业务拒之门外。 许多客户向我们表示,他们只是在经营简单的电子商务业务或简单的咨询业务。然而,他们不断被银行拒绝或提出无休止的问题,[…]
If the supplier of a good wishes to retain ownership of the said good when it is being sold by another party, a Consignment Agreement is necessary. This document is specially created for the instance when a consigner (person or a business) entrusts goods to a middleman for the purpose of selling goods to an end customer. In this arrangement, the consigner …
ISSUE INVOICES ON TIME Getting the money owed to you is key to surviving the start-up phase. An invoice breaks down the costs provided, the total amount due, and how the customer should pay for their received bill. By using an invoice, you can keep track of who has paid, who has not paid, and the …
按时开具发票 获得您的货款是在启动阶段生存的关键。发票将提供的成本、应付的总金额以及客户应如何支付收到的账单进行细分。通过使用发票,您可以跟踪谁付款、谁未付款以及您的现金流状况。发票提供了一种整洁、有组织的方式来保存每笔交易的适当记录。此外,开具发票看起来很专[…]