
企业家注意:香港有一个税收友好的法律,特别有利于中小企业。这是香港的政府预算在为您省钱。你不相信我?当香港出现政府预算盈余(收入比支出多)时,您的部分税款将被免除。豁免是不可能的;这是您税款的 75%,最高可达 20,000 港元。 让我们看一个例子。如果您的[…]

Tax Saving Tip #4: Hong Kong Surplus Waiver

ATTENTION BUSINESS OWNER: Hong Kong’s government budget has consistently saved you money. You don’t believe me? Well, Hong Kong has a tax-friendly law that particularly benefits SME’s. When Hong Kong runs a government budget surplus (brings in more money than they spend) part of your tax is waived. And the waiver is no laughable amount; …

Tax Saving Tip #3: No Taxes on Investments

After years of intelligent and lucrative investing, you decide it is time to take your earnings out of your portfolio. But before that money reaches your pocket, you are disappointed to find that a huge slice of your would-be earnings has been gobbled up by various taxes. You realize your investment was hardly worth what …


经过多年的明智和有利可图的投资,您决定是时候从投资组合中取出收益了。但在这笔钱到达你的口袋之前,你会失望地发现,你的潜在收入中有很大一部分已经被各种税收吞噬,你意识到你的投资几乎没有你想象的那么值得。 这样的事情想必大家耳熟能详。但是,这事在香港并不存在!香港[…]


为您的企业提供的另一个节税技巧! 在香港,我们都知道一件事——租金昂贵,真的真的很贵。对许多人来说,香港的租金可以吃掉他们每月工资的大部分。幸运的是,香港有一项为这里的企业家提供救济的政策。 在香港,公司董事可以用租金开支从应税营业收入中扣除。这是什么意思呢?[…]

Tax Saving Tip #2: Hong Kong Rent Write-Off

Another tax saving tip for your business! We all know one thing for certain in Hong Kong – rent is expensive. Really really expensive. For many, Hong Kong rent can eat up most of their monthly paycheck. Luckily, Hong Kong has a policy providing relief for entrepreneurs here. In Hong Kong, the directors of a …

Tax Saving Tip #1: Hong Kong “Carryforward”

Who likes paying taxes? Nobody. Fortunately, Hong Kong has one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the world. What’s more, there are several unique ways you can save on your company’s tax bill. Being wildly profitable in the first few years of business is often far-fetched with getting your name out there and all …


没有人喜欢纳税。幸运的是,香港是世界上公司税率最低的国家之一。更重要的是,您可以通过几种独特的方式来节省公司的税单。 在业务的最初几年获得巨额利润通常是牵强附会,因为要在那里获得名声和所有启动成本。即使是联邦快递、亚马逊和优步等一些最成功的企业也有同样的问题。[…]


第36届香港钟表展将于9月5日至9日在香港会议展览中心举行。 价格:免费入场;仅允许 18 岁及以上的专业观众入场。   在这个展会上,您可以找到手表、钟表、零件和设备来购买。届时将有810家参展商展示他们的钟表,供您观赏。如果您是手表专家或将它们视为爱好,那[…]


The 36th Hong Kong Watch and Clock Fair will be held on from the 5th-9th of September in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. PRICE: Free admission; Only trade visitors 18 years old and older are allowed.   At this fair you can find watches, clocks, and parts and equipment to buy. There will …