The 9th annual Hong Kong International Tea Fair is coming to Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre! WHEN: August 17-19th. ABOUT: There will be over 245 exhibitors displaying their region’s tea, how it is processed, and packaged. There will also be tea testing, where you can sample teas from all over Asia! PRICE: HK$25 If …


又到了第二届香港美容养生展! 地点:香港会议展览中心。 时间:8月17-20日 价格:门票$40港元,但如果你买这个展会的门票,你还可以去香港美食博览、香港国际茶展、香港家居用品展! 在这里,游客可以查看和购买来自韩国、香港和亚洲其他地区的各种美容产品,如美容[…]


第28届香港美食博览将是您不容错过的展会! 时间:8 月17日-21日上午 9:30 至下午 5:30 地点:香港会议展览中心。 价格:40港币一个人,但如果你买票,你还可以享受香港美容与健康博览、香港家居用品博览和香港国际茶展。 那里不仅会有食品(乳制品、水[…]

Neil Kumar- Accounting and Bookkeep Trainee

Hello, I work atop the Bonham Strand Trade Centre in Shengwan with some great people, and for some great clients. As a bookkeep & accounting trainee, I spend my days sifting through mountains of invoices to prepare precise and thorough financial statements. Centre O’s goal in the audit process is to minimize a client’s tax …

Neil Kumar – 会计和簿记实习生

你好, 我在胜湾的 Bonham Strand 贸易中心与一些有成就的人一起工作,并为一些高层客户工作。作为一名簿记和会计实习生,我每天都在翻阅成堆的发票,以编制准确透彻的财务报表。Center O 在审计过程中的目标是尽量减少客户的税收负担,并准确反映其公司[…]


嗨! 我叫 Daniel,是 Center O 的社区参与实习生。我来自加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,祖籍是摩尔多瓦,我正在加州大学伯克利分校学习商业。 我选择在香港实习是因为我正在寻找一个既能挑战又能让我更好地了解国际商业世界的地方学习,还有什么比“亚洲国际城市”更好[…]

Daniel Royzman- The Community Engagement Trainee

Hey! I’m Daniel, the Community Engagement Trainee here at Centre O. I am originally from Los Angeles, California with ancestral roots from Moldova, and I am studying business at University of California, Berkeley. I chose an internship in Hong Kong becasue I was looking for a place that would challenge me while allowing me to …