每当您销售商品或服务时,谨慎管理您的财务和现金流非常重要。原因是现金流问题和财务管理不善是企业失败的主要原因。因此,以下是您可能需要优化现金流的法律文件。 您可以详细了解以下文档如何帮助建立正确的文件,以及它们的重要性。 • 保密协议 • 意向书 • 商品销售[…]
Author Archives: admin
I want to fund a Hong Kong Limited Company based on my other company’s fund, is that enough?
The source of funds for a Hong Kong Limited company can partly come from another company that is usually the parent company in the country of origin of the director. However, it is common that the directors & shareholders show their participation to the fund of the company as well. At the end of the …
香港有限公司的资金来源,部分可以来自另一家公司,通常是这公司的母公司。 董事和股东对公司资金的参与也很常见。归根结底,现金资源越多,业务发展就越容易。 您在香港公司的法律和行政设置方面需要支持吗?请通过 sales@centreo.hk 与我们联系,以便我们可[…]
这取决于银行推荐信的目的,因为它通常是为特定目标而发出的。例如,在您开设公司银行账户时通常需要它,在这种情况下,银行推荐信不需要寄给任何人。这是一个简单的信件,可以在不同的银行使用。 您是否正在尝试在香港开设公司银行账户,但仍然难以通过?来找我们,我们将帮助您[…]
Does a Bank Reference Letter Need to Be Addressed to Someone / a Company?
It depends on the purpose of the bank reference letter since it is usually issued for a particular goal. For instance, it will usually be required while you open up a company bank account. In that case, the bank reference letter does not need to be addressed to anyone. It is a simple letter that …
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If the bank account opening is not approved, can I reapply?
In Hong Kong, there are continuous changes of banking requirements and the tighten regulations currently. It is more difficult for companies to open a bank account. Each bank requires lots of documents and has a bank account interview to approve your application. If your application is not approved by the bank, you cannot reapply for …
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在香港,目前银行要求不断变化,监管收紧,企业开设银行账户更加困难。每家银行都需要大量文件,并有一个银行账户面试来批准您的申请。 如果您的申请没有得到银行的批准,您不能在接下来的 12 个月内重新申请同一家银行,这种未获批准不会影响您向另一家银行的申请。所以,您[…]
How to issue invoice?
Invoice is a document you typically send to customer requiring payment for goods or services that you have provided or will provide. It is an important tool in business world because invoice helps you monitor and record the account easily. When drafting an invoice, it is important to focus on a number of key clauses, …
发票是您通常发送给客户的文件,要求为您已提供或将提供的商品或服务付款。它是商业世界中的重要工具,因为发票可以帮助您轻松监控和记录帐户。 在起草发票时,重点关注一些关键条款很重要,尤其是: • 贵公司的详细信息(公司名称和地址) • 客户或客户的详细信息(公司名[…]
What is a Bank Reference Letter?
A bank reference letter is basically a report of the bank’s overall picture of your ability to meet the requirements you are asked for, based on your transactions’ history. It provides the following information: 1. Name and Address / Details of the Account Holder 2. Date of the Bank Account Opening 3. Confirmation Statement of …