Un petit rappel sur la formation d’entreprise à Hong Kong: les règles de base et conseils pour les directeurs et actionnaires

Il y a quelques règles de base à suivre si vous voulez créer votre propre entreprise à Hong Kong, même si il est plus facile et plus rapide de le faire ici comparé à d’autres pays. N’importe qui peut former une société à responsabilité limitée à Hong Kong. Une société à responsabilité limitée est une …

If a company has been established for a year, what document can prove its good standing?

You can enquire to the Company Registry Department a Certification of Continuing Business. By being your company secretary we will handle all this kind of administrative work, so you can fully concentrate on your business. Get in touch with us at sales@centreo.hk. #ContinuingBusiness #CompanySecretary #CentreO #HongKongResourceCentre


希望您与您的家人和朋友有一个愉快的庆祝活动! 您喜欢传统美食、游行和烟花吗? 在农历新年期间,我们通过赠送红包、会见家人和庆祝来分享“幸运”和“财富”。然而,你知道如何自己抓住“运气”吗?这里有3个中国方法给你。 1、生肖运势 在中国,每年都有一个生肖代表。它[…]

A company without activity in Hong Kong, what to do?

What to do if my company didn’t have any activity for the whole year? You don’t need to do the Accounting & Auditing, but you need to register your company as dormant and justify that there was no activity. Do I still need to do the Accounting & Auditing and to fill in the Profit …

What business nature shall I choose for Company Incorporation?

My Hong Kong Company will be dealing with different kind of businesses. What business nature shall I choose for Company Incorporation? You can choose a broad business nature, such as Trading, Consulting, Food & Beverage, etc. so it enables you to add up different branches to this Limited Company. A Limited Company in Hong Kong …