举办活动但仍未找到场地?丢失了会员?你说话的时候放映机坏了? 嗯,你需要一个更好的场地! Center O 商务中心为活动和研讨会预订提供场地空间。我们的场地距离上环港铁 A2 出口步行几分钟,就在富豪酒店 i-club 对面。 除了场地预订,我们还提[…]
Author Archives: admin
正如中国古诗所说:“即使我们相隔百里,也愿我们长寿,共享月亮的美丽”。 在昨天晚上的家庭聚会之后,我们希望您喜欢美味的月饼、舞龙和灯会。 来自香港的问候!
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival from Hong Kong!
As the Chinese poem say: “May we live long and share the beauty of the moon together, even if we are hundreds of miles apart”. After family gathering yesterday evening, we hope you enjoyed the delicious mooncakes, dragon dance and lantern carnivals. Greetings from Hong Kong!
Relocating your business to Hong Kong?
Hong Kong business economy benefits you from lower tax rate and a good reputation of International Financial Center. Centre O Business Centre helps you on a smooth business migration by providing company incorporation services, company secretarial services, company bank account setup as well as a full range of business supporting services. Act now! …
香港商业经济受益于较低的税率和国际金融中心的良好声誉。 Center O 商务中心通过提供公司注册服务、公司秘书服务、公司银行账户设置以及全方位的业务支持服务,帮助您顺利进行业务迁移。 现在就行动吧!可以通过 sales@centreo.hk 与我们联[…]
Happy Friday!
Thanks to all the participants at our coffee meetup yesterday! Great atmosphere and interesting exchanges Keep posted with our upcoming events by following our meetup group at https://www.meetup.com/Multi-Network-Business-Community/ Have a great week end ahead
感谢昨天参加我们咖啡聚会的所有参与者!让聚会有着良好的氛围和有趣的交流🙂 关注我们的聚会小组https://www.meetup.com/Multi-Network-Business-Community/ 提前了解我们即将举行的活动,祝周末愉快!
Center O已经在开始过中秋节啦! 非常感谢所有来自 Center O 团队的美味紫色月饼🙂 开心! #centreo #礼物 #lovelycustomers #midautumnfestival #月饼
Mid Autumn Festival 2016
Mid-Autumn Festival has already started at Centre O! Thank you so much for these delicious & purple mooncakes from all Centre O Team Cheers! #centreo #gifts #lovelycustomers #midautumnfestival #mooncake
PCM 杂志的一站式解决方案
非常感谢PCM杂志刊登了关于 Center O 的双页,我们对此非常感谢! # CentreO # pcmarket #香港 # 一站式解决方案