强积金是指“强制性公积金”。如今,香港正面临人口快速老化的挑战。65 岁以上人口比例将从 15%(2014 年)提高到 36%(2064 年),减少工作的老年人将支持退休人员。为帮助老龄化劳动力为退休储蓄,强积金制度于2000年12月推出。 香港的强积金制度属[…]
Category Archives: Accounting & Auditing
Personal Assessment
If you are a sole proprietor, a partner in a business or a property owner, you can elect for personal assessment if you are eligible. This may help to reduce the tax you need to pay by aggregating your assessable income under salaries tax, profits tax and property tax, and making adjustments for the deductions. …
2016/17 a better year for entrepreneurs and business startups.
The budget for 2016/17 just launched! This year far more entrepreneurs will benefit from the government as supporting funds and schemes focusing on startups (especially for small and medium-sized enterprises) grow. Several important benefits for SMEs are shown below: 1. A decrease in the profit tax In order to reduce the burden on SMEs, the government …
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2016-17 对企业家和创业公司来说是很好的一年。
Why MPFA is not authorising my request of releasing my money?
I’m leaving Hong Kong, why MPFA is not authorizing my request of releasing my money? Answer : You will have to fill in application to request of release of your MPF money back to your bank account, at the same time, you are required to include supporting documents on your application, including new employment …
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我要离开香港,为什么积金局不批准我的提款要求? 答:您必须填写申请表,要求将您的强积金款项退回您的银行账户,同时,您必须在申请表中附上证明文件,包括您搬迁地点的新雇佣合同、在另一个国家的新工作签证,并签署永久离境法定声明表。
我即将离开香港,想申请提取强制性公积金,大概什么时候可以取回我的钱? 答:一般情况下,您的强制性公积金代理需要 4-5 周的时间,而强制性公积金协会进行授权,再将钱存入您申请的银行账户,银行账户通常是你在香港个人所拥有的。
I’m leaving HK, wen can I get my MPF money back?
I am leaving Hong Kong and have applied for Mandatory Provident Fund withdrawal, when can I get my money back? Answer: In general, it takes 4-5 weeks for your Mandatory Provident Fund agent to proceed with Mandatory Provident Fund Association to get authorization and to release the money back to your requested bank account, which, this is normally a personal bank account you …
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在一些国家,通常甚至有必要在主页上注明贵公司的增值税税号。香港也适用吗?如果是的话,这样的增值税 ID 是否已分配给我的香港有限公司?另外,如果我想将它们用于商业目的,是需要哪些格式或信息,才能作为费用,来减少我公司的利润? 答:香港没有增值税号码,发票上不需[…]