Category Archives: Bank Account
Can I setup a company bank account for my Hong Kong Limited with a bank that is located outside Hong Kong?
Yes you can. You are not required to have a company bank account within Hong Kong to run the business.
100% 保证离岸公司银行账户设置
由于香港银行的监管趋严,香港有限公司现在更受欢迎开设离岸公司银行账户。 Center O 商务中心保证为您提供离岸公司银行账户,协助您填写银行表格、提交了解您的客户合规表格并审查您的商业计划。我们还将安排您的银行预约时间表,并为会后工作提供便利! 联系[…]
100% guaranteed for offshore company bank account setup
It is now more popular for Hong Kong limited companies to setup offshore company bank accounts, due to the toughen regulations of banks in Hong Kong. Centre O Business Centre guarantees you an offshore company bank account. We’ll assist you in completing bank forms, filing Know Your Client Compliance form, and review your business …
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是甚至无法预订公司银行预约?或者在预约几周后,银行给你发了一封拒绝你申请的电子邮件? 我们为无法获得公司银行账户的客户提供公司银行介绍人服务。 如果您有同样的问题,请发送电子邮件至 进行预约。
Got turned down from your company bank account setup?
Not able to even booking in for a company bank appointment? Or weeks after appointment, the bank sent you an email of rejecting your application? We offer company bank introducer services to clients that are stuck with unable to get their company bank account. If you have the same issue, email us to …
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Under what circumstances would I be required to be Hong Kong for starting a Hong Kong onshore business?
If you need a company bank account in Hong Kong, you will be required to travel to HK to meet the bank officers to setup the company bank account up. You will not be required to be in Hong Kong for the company incorporation, nor accounting and auditing work. We can arrange everything by email …
如果您需要在香港开设公司银行账户,您将需要前往香港与银行人员会面才能开设公司银行账户。 您不需要在香港注册公司,也不需要进行会计和审计工作。 我们可以通过电子邮件安排一切,但有时需要通过邮寄或快递发送文件原件。
What information banks are interested in when applying a company bank account?
Company information Nature of business/ Industry Nature of products/Services offered Operation & Trade Account information and Anticipated Activity Purpose(s) of maintain the account(s) Expected Source and Origin of Funds Passing through the Account(s) Anticipated Level of Activity ( currency, amount and no. of transactions) Nature of Activities Counterparties ( for funds transferring through the account) …
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公司信息 业务/行业性质 提供的产品/服务的性质 经营与贸易 账户信息和预期活动 维持账户的目的 通过账户的资金来源,预期未来资金来源 预期的活动水平(货币、金额和交易数量) 活动性质 交易对手(通过账户转账) 董事/合伙人/独资经营者的详细信息 身份证明文件[…]