Tips & Tricks: Your Co-working Space Tenancy Agreement!

BE CAREFUL TO THE ACCURACY OF YOUR CO-WORKING SPACE TENANCY AGREEMENT Nowadays, co-working spaces are offering more and more membership agreements, which cannot be considered as proper and accurate tenancy agreements. What do I mean with proper and accurate? If you need a tenancy agreement for opening a company bank account or applying to a …


一个人经营的生意从来都不是一件有趣的事情。 必须自己处理所有事情,日以继夜地工作,甚至不能与人见面,当客户和供应商想来见你的时候也很困难。   Center o 帮助您解决问题。 您将受益于使用我们的商业地址打印在您的名片上并在网站上列出。我们的前台服务将帮助[…]

How good is it to use a co-working space?

Operating a one man business is never a fun thing. Having to handle everything by yourself, working from day to night, not even able to meet people and struggle when clients and suppliers wanting to come and meet you.   Centre o helps u to solve your problems. You’ll benefit to use our commercial addresses …

上环 CENTRE O 共享工作空间

独自在家工作时感到孤立,​、在当地咖啡店争分夺秒的时候分心?多亏了共享办公室,让一切都变了!它绝对是您更好的选择,因为它拥有更多资源和开展业务的场所。 首先,与传统办公室不同,共享办公空间几乎没有直接竞争或内部政治。它由为不同公司和项目工作的成员组成,您将被充[…]

Centre O Co Working Space in Sheungwan

Feeling isolated when working alone at home or distracted when fighting for a space at the local coffee shop? Thanks to coworking, all that has changed! It’s definitely a better choice for you as its much more resources and a place to do your business. Firstly, unlike a traditional office, coworking spaces have little direct …


为快速网络活动做好准备(最后通知!!!) 当你在一个满是陌生人的房间里并且不一定能认识合适的人时,网络可能会令人生畏。我们邀请您与其他企业家一起参与一个便利的网络计划,让您最大限度地利用时间并快速建立业务联系。 这是在对创业充满热情的人之间建立网络的绝佳机会。[…]


READY FOR SPEED NETWORKING EVENT  (FINAL CALL !!!) Networking can be intimidating when you are in a room full of strangers and don’t necessarily know the right people to approach. We invite your to join fellow entrepreneurs in a facilitated networking program, allowing you to maximize your time and make business connections quickly. This is a …

Ready for Speed-Networking (18/5)

Speed Networking event is coming soon in May 18th ! Networking can be intimidating when you are in a room full of strangers and don’t necessarily know the right people to approach. We invite your to join fellow entrepreneurs in a facilitated networking program, allowing you to maximize your time and make business connections quickly. …