启动我的一周即将到来,庆祝和支持初创公司和中小企业的好方法,center o 商务中心 即将推出其相关的活动。在 MeetUp 上查看我们,以可视化我们的重要支持和启动信息,来帮助企业家。 (图片) 这不仅仅是一周的业务支持和活动,我们将持续到 11 月和 1[…]
Category Archives: Incorporation
Time Management at Centre O
Centre O not only provides you with professional business services and support, but the logistics behind it is very effective. When customers are in a rush to renew or enquire about a service, we deal with all of these matters in a clear, accurate and fast degree so you do not have to worry about …
Centre O 的时间管理
Center O不仅为您提供专业的商务服务和支持,其背后的物流也非常有效。当客户急于续订或咨询服务时,我们会以清晰、准确、快速的方式处理所有这些问题,只要准备和处理时间充足,您就不必担心延迟付款罚款等问题足够且现实,我们可以帮助您解决您可能遇到的任何问题。 所[…]
Company Profit Tax
For those who wonder about profit tax, this is payable at the end of the year
Centre M’O
Don’t be afraid if you see centre o connect staff and in house clients with moustaches and beards. We’re just doing our part to help support Movember which for those who don’t know, is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches/beards during the month of November to raise awareness of men’s health issues. The goal of Movember is …
Effective Communication at Centre O
It is always great to meet in person and to put a name on a face. Hence centre o business centre is always happy to meet at our clients and potential client’s convenience at their preferred location or at our friendly and professional business location. It is understandable that people can be very busy, those …
Centre O 的有效沟通
亲自见面并与人当面称呼的感觉真的很好。因此,center o 商务中心总是很高兴在我们的客户和潜在客户方便的时候,在他们的选择的地点或我们友好而专业的商务地点会面。 可以理解的是,人们可能非常忙碌,他们甚至没有时间走出家门,或者因为电话太忙而无法坐下来聊天,还[…]