您可以在 center o 获得即时折扣! Center O 是Lyoness 的会员商家- 面向国际购物者的全球社区积分奖励计划。Lyoness在全球超过 44 个国家/地区开展业务,为国际在线购物社区提供支持。在香港,Lyoness拥有超过 4000 名活[…]
Category Archives: Incorporation
Video Marketing is the Future!
The internet is constantly evolving, new and innovative methods of marketing are being called into question. There can always be new ways to target a larger audience and video marketing is the way to create a powerful marketing strategy. Many businesses do not realize the potential of Video marketing and is a powerful way to …
互联网在不断发展,而新的和创新的营销方法受到质疑。总会有新的方法来定位更多的受众,而视频营销是创建强大营销策略的方法。许多企业没有意识到视频营销的潜力,它是一种强大的方式,不仅可以宣传产品,还可以吸引贵公司的兴趣。 当今社会,人们越来越多地使用智能手机和平板电[…]
Happy Birthday Josephine! (Centre O’f attention today)
Today is the #business #facilitators #birthday! The creator of this business centre. The expert mind behind our great professional business services in #SheungWan and #WanChai #Happy #Birthday #Josephine #stilllookingyoung
The Three Musketeers, the Three Centre Peers
Introducing the better than ever power of three. These guys are the people to see to enquire about centre o’s main business services. They all specialize in their field of work but can help you with anything in general. We have the managing business facilitator – Josephine The customer relations executive – Miko And …
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介绍比以往更好的三的幂。这些人是询问 center o 主要业务服务的人。他们都专注于他们的工作领域,但可以在一般情况下为您提供帮助。 我们有管理业务协调员 – Josephine (图片) 客户关系主管 – Miko (图片) 以及业务解决方案专家 – […]
Stay Casual
On 30th September there is a dress casual day to raise money for CHARITY! “The idea to dress casual on a working day to raise funds for charity originated from the United States. The Community Chest first introduced this idea to Hong Kong in 1993. Dress Casual Day is a popular fund-raising event. The number …
9 月 30 日有一个着装休闲日,为慈善事业筹款! 公益金于 1993 年首次将这一理念引入香港。而“在工作日穿着休闲装为慈善事业筹集资金的想法起源于美国。 着装休闲日是一项颇受欢迎的筹款活动,参加人数每年都在增加。为了增加参赛者对赛事的参与度,每年都会举办不[…]
Office smell? What office smell? (Part 2)
3 days later after our new office smelling incident… we have come to a conclusion of the use of a pineapple…. It was a Success! We used one of our external staff to come into our new office before we laid out the pineapples and he agreed that the smell was quite potent from the …
Continue reading “Office smell? What office smell? (Part 2)”