Relief Measures to Businesses in Hong Kong 2020

The Hong Kong government implement relief measures to businesses on electricity and water and sewage fees. Firstly, subsidising 75% of electricity charges for four extra months, subject to a monthly cap of HK$5,000, for non-residential accounts.  Secondly, waiving 75% of water and sewage charges of non-domestic households for four extra months, subject to a monthly …

Company Registry Facilitating Business in Hong Kong

The needs of companies and the community are changing in Hong Kong rapidly. Moreover, the Companies Registry (CR) continued to update the policies, regulations and processes.  It not only invested in the information technology systems to increase the efficiency of starting a business. But also on-going invest in innovative ideas, digitalisation and new technology.  Implementation …

Company Registry – Financials and Business Review

Financial Performance The Company Registry’s sources of revenue comprise mainly the incorporation of new companies, the registration of annual returns and searches for company information, constituting more than 85% of the total revenue. Over the years, it operates on a self-financing basis and provides funds for its sustainable development. Business Review The Company Registry’s services …

Trade Fair Schedules at Hong Kong Trade Development Council

Due to the current situation of the novel coronavirus outbreak thought-out the world. The Hong Kong Trade and Development  Council (HKTDC) is working closely with the industry representatives on health and safety measures for upcoming conference, meetings, trade fairs in Hong Kong. After meeting with industry representatives, consolidated ideas and suggestions, they came together with decisions …

Important Notice: Coronavirus and Centre O Offices

Latest updates and contact information Our offices in Hong Kong and China are open as normal. In the interest of staff and client well-being,  some of our team members will be working remotely. All the while we will continue to provide uninterrupted service to clients, partners and contacts.     We encourage the use of mobile; skype; …

2020-2021 Budget leads Hong Kong to a diversified economy

The main purposes of budget 2020-2021 are revitalising economy and relieving burden from the locals. Our Financial Secretary, Paul Chan focused on leading Hong Kong to a diversified economy.   Looking back 2019, GDP growth rate was -1.2%. This figure shown there was slightly decline in previous year. Hong Kong may experience a negative or very …

Company Registry in Hong Kong has sanctioned approximately 1 in 4 firms during Anti-Money Laundering Inspections on 1,800 TCSPs licensed operators

Since March 2018, Company Registry imply Guideline on Compliance of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter -Terrorist Financing Requirements for Trust or Company Services Providers.  There has been total of 1800 of TCSP licenses issued within the past 1.5 year.  There has been 1024 TCSP licensed operator being interviewed. Total of 452 warnings given out to licensed holder …

The 2019- 2020 Budget Highlights for Enterprises in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Financial Secretary Paul Chan recently set out his budget for 2019-2020.  Due to the uncertainties in the global economic landscape caused a decline in growth and confidence among enterprises. The budget was prepared with the aim of “supporting enterprises, safeguarding jobs, stabilising the economy, strengthening livelihoods.” Below is the highlight of the budget for SMEs. …

APEC Travel Card arrangements with US and Canada

The United States and Canada are two members that participate in the APEC program. The American and Canadian APEC cardholders can use expedited immigration when they visit the APEC participating countries. However, they must have a US and Canada visa when they visit these two countries. In the US, the Customs and Border Protection is …


You’ve passed your test, been 7 years a solicitor, and gotten your letter? Now it’s time to begin the application process by requesting your Letter of No Objection. No, you can’t just apply to become a Notary Public. First, you have to state your case to the Society of Notaries that you’re fit to even …