As the Company Secretary role cannot be the Directors or the Shareholders within the same company, another individual or entity must be nominated. There have been cases where Directors or Shareholders have chosen their friend or another individual entity as their Company Secretary which has turned out in a difficult and costly situation.
Recently we have a case, the client has nominated his friend in Hong Kong to be the company secretary.
This friend has changed his residential address and forgot to mentioned to the Company Registration office, which Company Registry were sending company mail ( notice of late filing of annual return as well) to that old address.
At the end, out of expectation, this client got a court order sent to his home one day. He has to plead guilty at the court due to his company secretary friend did not file Annual Return on behalf of the company and did not response to any of the Company Registry notices.
Therefore to avoid cases like these, using the company secretary service from professionals can help you file government required
centre o business centre is now offering a new price package for comp set which creates a win-win situation for all clients as the price quote depends on how much work needs to be processed. Rather than fixing a price, we like to give our clients flexibility to the total amount of work that needs to be done. Do contact us for more details.