Getting Married in Hong Kong!


Hong Kong attracts people from all over the world. And business is not always the only reason.

Getting married in Hong Kong can be fun, memorable and guarantee some really cool wedding photos. But what are the legal steps you’ll have to follow for a hassle-free marriage registration? Actually, it’s fairly simple!

Under the Laws of Hong Kong, the minimum age for getting married is 16. There are no residential requirements for marrying parties and the parties may be of any nationality. Solemnizing a marriage in Hong Kong will have to go through the following procedures:

–       One of you will have to hand in a Notice of Intended Marriage to the Registrar of Marriages in the prescribed form. You can do it directly or through a Civil Celebrant of Marriages (who will take care of the paperwork for you)

–       The Registrar shall exhibit Part I of the notice in his office until the issue of a Certificate of Registrar of Marriages or the expiry of the 3-month period.

–       At least 15 days later, the Registrar will issue a Certificate of Registrar of Marriages, enabling you to celebrate your marriage within three months from the date of notice giving if all the requirements are met.

–       The marriage can take place at the marriage registry, a licensed place of worship or any other place in Hong Kong by a civil celebrant of marriages.

Note: if a marriage does not take place within three months after giving in the notice, you will have to re-submit the documents

So, as you can see, the legal proceedings for getting married in Hong Kong are quite easy. Provided you plan well and follow all the rules, you are guaranteed to have a fun and unforgettable experience. Just like we did, at our very casual Hong Kong wedding.

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A special thinks to Centre O’s very own Josephine Lau for being our witness!

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