
在您的日历上标记 4 月 14日星期一。它带来了一个非凡的机会,可以建立人际网络,分享商业经验,还可以结识一些很酷的人。
日期和时间: 4 月 14 日星期一晚上 7 点。
地点:   香港湾仔罗查道33号亚洲东方大厦地下Xperience
我们每月的社交活动又回来了……!!是的! 我们还有大事要庆祝……我们的团队刚刚 达到 500 名成员!!!这太神奇了。
顺便说一句, 这是免费的,但请给自己买一杯饮料,不要要求自来水!!!! (我不想和酒吧老板有麻烦。)
顺便说多一句:人们问我 为什么这个名字……?对于以前从未参加过我的聚会的人……我一直在说,为了成为一名成功的企业家,我们需要既令人敬畏(非常擅长我们所做的)和性感(可见的、非凡的和有吸引力的)。这里没有狗……真的😉



A few blogs before we talked about why interning at a startup is a good idea. Today, we’d like to dwell more on what it actually TAKES to work for one. Here are five key qualities for success at a startup (as featured in

1.   Passion for the product

Building a vision into reality takes passion. Do your homework, study the product and the industry. The founders will definitely be looking for people who are interested in the industry and have some background knowledge. Your passion will also allow you to move forward in the challenging startup environment.

2.   Roll-up-your-sleeves mentality

Startups may seem glamorous and fun on the outside. But on the inside – you must be ready to get your hands dirty.

Are you comfortable juggling five giant boxes on the subway during rush hour in the middle of winter? Or racing to the other part of town for a client meeting after work hours?

The thing is, no job is too small for a startup. The phrase “this is not my job” should never be in your startup vocabulary.

“If someone expects everything handed to them, they might be better off at a larger company with more infrastructure,” says Kathryn Minshew, founder and CEO of career-discovery platformThe Muse. “Smaller businesses need people who will do whatever it takes to make the company successful. And yes, sometimes at 15-person companies, that means the CEO and the social media manager both take turns emptying the kitchen trash.”

3. It’s great to have ideas. It’s even better to show them work.

Got a great idea? Don’t just share it, show it. While you may be bursting at the seams with great ideas, execution and follow-through are key traits to success in the startup world.

At a startup, it is much more valuable to identify your top three ideas and work through a fully-baked plan of attack before sharing it with your team, rather than rattling off half-a-dozen suggestions that aren’t well thought-out

4.   Be proactive, not reactive.

No matter how young or inexperienced you might be, the best part of working at a startup is that everyone has the potential to contribute in a big way. Show that you’ve got what it takes. Don’t be afraid to take on responsibilities and uncover opportunities to move the business forward. Even if you are finished with you work for the day – don’t waste time: work on a new idea, help out a colleague or read up on industry news.

5.   Be a strategist, not a bystander.

Don’t be afraid to participate. Even if you are the most junior member of the team and don’t feel comfortable questioning the status quo – you may look for informal opportunities to share insights with your tea,

When building a concept from scratch, processes and objectives constantly evolve, so look at everything with a critical eye. Unlike your corporate counterparts, your mission is to unlock issues and identify opportunities for change and improvement. Even if you’re the most junior hire at the table and don’t feel comfortable challenging the status quo, look for informal opportunities to share insights with your team.

10 Keys to a Successful Business Plan (Infographic)

Last week we mentioned the importance of planning in business. We start off this week with a simple infographic on the key elements of a business plan.

And we remind you that TODAY (March 31st) from 7 PM to 10 PM you can attend a workshop on CREATING A BUSINESS PLAN ON THREE HOURS. The workshop will take place at Partner Cafe + Workspace (29/F Cheuk Nang Plaza, 250 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, China.

Contact us for more details at

Successful Business Plan

成功商业计划的 10 个关键(信息图)

我们提醒您,今天(3 月 31 日)晚上 7 点到晚上 10 点,您可以参加一个关于在三个小时内创建商业计划的研讨会。工作坊将在Partner Cafe + Workspace(中国香港湾仔轩尼诗道250号卓能广场29楼)举行。


在之前的一些文章中,我们讨论为什么在初创公司实习是个好主意。今天,我们想更多地讨论为一个人工作实际需要什么。以下是创业公司成功的五个关键品质(如 所述)
1.   对产品的热情
2.   挽袖子的心态
“如果有人希望一切都交给他们,他们在一家拥有更多基础设施的大公司可能会过得更好,”职业探索平台The Muse的创始人兼首席执行官凯瑟琳•明休(Kathryn Minshew)说小企业需要能为公司成功做任何事情的人。是的,有时在 15 人的公司中,这意味着首席执行官和社交媒体经理都轮流清空厨房垃圾。”
3. 有想法是好的。最好向他们展示他们的工作。
4.   积极主动,而不是被动。
5.   做一名战略家,而不是旁观者。

Learn How To Draft A Business Plan in Three Hours!

Business Plam Workshop

This Monday, March 31st (7 PM to 10 PM) brings us an amazing opportunity – a one of a kind business course for “quickly and economically drafting your idea and aligning your team” – or simply, creating a working business plan. In only three hours.

No matter what goals we are pursuing, we are constantly met by the need to plan, especially in business. Whether it is a formal plan to present to potential investors, or something you scribble on a napkin in a coffee shop – plans are the building blocks of success. As the famous saying goes: “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”.

Here is the detailed introduction to the workshop by its creator.

As you maybe know I have been really active with e-learning last year. 

One of my course became an instant best seller… “How to Draft a Business Plan?” – More than 9,000 students registered on Udemy or on my own platform from more than 135 countries.

Because I kind of like you, I decided to deliver this course LIVE in Hong Kong to help you guys to get started with your Business Plan.


I have made this course for people that want to quickly and economically draft a plan to structure their idea and create alignment inside their team. It’s a light version of my big course “Create a Damn Good Business Plan”

You can use this course to: quickly structure your idea without spending 3 months on plan development, discuss with partners, get a quick plan and know where you are going, you could also use it to apply for a HK visa  (with a few tweeks). But this is not sufficient to go after fundraising and pitch investor. 

We use a visual method with brainstorming templates.

The course is structured in 5 building blocks:

• The Entrepreneur 

• The Analysis

• The Opportunity

• The Plan 

• The Risks 

At the end of this course, you will have a clearer idea on what you want to do with your business. You will also be able to draft a simple DECK presentation to discuss your plan.

This workshop consists in 3 hours workshop during which I explain you how to draft the plan.

I will also give a free access to my online course so that you can download all the templates and pitch deck.

Date and time: March 31st, 7 PM to 9 PM

Venue: Partner Cafe + Workspace (29/F Cheuk Nang Plaza, 250 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, China)

You can see the online course and review here:




本周一,3 月 31日(晚上 7 点到 10 点)为我们带来了一个绝妙的机会——一个独一无二的商业课程,用于“快速、经济地起草你的想法并调整你的团队”——或者简单地说,创建一个可行的商业计划,只用了三个小时。
我的一门课程立即成为畅销书……  “如何起草商业计划书?” – 来自135多个国家的9000多名学生在Udemy或我自己的平台Athenasia-academy.com上注册。
因为我有点喜欢你, 所以我决定在香港现场直播这门课程, 以帮助你们开始制定商业计划。
你可以利用这门课程来:快速构建您的想法,无需花费 3 个月的时间来制定计划,与合作伙伴讨论,获得快速计划并知道您要去哪里,您还可以使用它来申请香港签证(只需几个星期)。但这不足以追赶筹款和推销投资者。 
本课程由 5 个组成部分构成:
• 企业家 
• 分析
• 机会
• 计划 
• 风险 
本次研讨会包括 3 小时的研讨会,在此期间我将向您解释如何起草计划。
日期和时间:3 月 31 日,晚上 7 点至 9 点
地点:Partner Cafe + Workspace(中国香港湾仔轩尼诗道250号卓能广场29楼)