
China Wholly Foreign Owned Entity Capital Injection



新条例将于2024年7月1日起正式实施。对于新成立的公司,创业者应在 5年内注入全部注册资本。对于在2024年7月1日之前成立的现有公司,给予三年的过渡期。也就是说,需从2024年7月1日起8年内完成全部实缴。













香港的 KYC 規條


了解您的客户 (KYC) 是投资和金融服务行业用于验证客户并了解其风险和财务状况的标准。该框架旨在保护金融机构免受欺诈、腐败、洗钱和恐怖主义融资的侵害。KYC 規條由三个关键部分组成:客户识别计划 (CIP)、客户尽职调查 (CDD) 和强化尽职调查 (EDD)。 由三个关键部分组成:客户识别计划 (CIP)、客户尽职调查 (CDD) 和强化尽职调查 (EDD)。

在香港,金融机构必须遵循这些强制性的客户尽职调查 (CDD) 措施,以符合了解您的客户 (KYC) 的要求。以下是 CDD 流程所需的关键细节。
1. 客户识别:使用可靠的文件或数据验证客户。
2. 受益所有人验证:识别和验证受益所有人的身份。
3. 自然人信息收集。
– 全名
– 出生日期
– 国籍
– 唯一 ID 号(例如香港身份证、护照)
4. 地址证明。
– 近期水电费账单(最近三个月内)
– 银行对账单(最近三个月内)
– 政府签发的显示姓名和地址的文件
5. 了解业务关系。
– 客户的职业
– 预期交易性质和数量
– 客户所在地
– 资金和财富来源
金融机构必须针对每种情况实施客户尽职调查 (CDD) 措施,采用基于风险的方法并确保持续监控和记录。有效的记录保存对于发现和调查犯罪活动至关重要。结果和筛查记录应在整个业务关系中记录,并在之后保留至少五年。

在 Centre O,我们每年进行一次客户尽职调查,以满足《反洗钱及反恐怖主义融资条例》(第 615 章)规定的持牌 TCSP 的 CR 要求。

如需了解有关 KYC/CDD 的更多信息,请阅读我们的什么是 KYC(了解您的客户)?



所有香港公司必须每年向税务局 (IRD) 提交利得税申报表 (PTR) 和经审计的财务报表,以报告其应评税利润。而2024年11月15號是今年最後一批遞交的截止日期。

税务局通常在每年 4 月的第一个工作日发布 PTR,纳税人应及时填写并提交这些表格。

税务局最近加大了对未能及时提交 PTR 的香港公司的追究力度。

如若未能在规定期限前向税务局提交有效的 PTR 且无合理理由,可能会导致以下严重后果:

起诉 – 税务局可通过向纳税人或其指定代表发出传票要求其出庭提起起诉。

加重处罚 – 税务局可不起诉,而是加重罪行或评估不超过少缴税款三倍的额外税收罚款。如果纳税人在规定期限内提交已填妥的 PTR 并接受复合提议,税务局将不会起诉。

附加税 – 税务局有权征收附加税,最高金额为少缴税款总额的三倍。纳税人可以在规定的时间内以书面形式陈述逾期提交的原因,以供税务局考虑。

预估税评估 – 税务局可根据其对纳税人所获利润金额的估计发布利得税评估。纳税人可在预估税评估发布之日起一个月内提出异议,并附上已填妥的 PTR。如果没有提出有效异议,预估税评估将成为最终决定,即使税款高于实际应付税款,也应缴纳税款。预估税评估的解决并不意味着纳税人已满足提交 PTR 的要求。税务局可以发布进一步的预估税评估,直到提交完整的 PTR。


您可还想了解: 香港有资本利得税吗?


Digital ecosystem in China

Tapping into the vast and lucrative Chinese e-commerce market requires a strategic approach. And tailored to the unique characteristics and preferences of Chinese consumers. As China internet users are using the nation’s social media platforms such as WeChat and Douyin rather than Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok.

How to get into China E-Market?

All entrepreneur wants a profitable return when running a business. As the uniqueness of China E-Market, you have to well-prepared in advance.

Market Research and Understanding Consumer Behaviour

No matter what business you are doing, you have to identify your target customer segments based on demographics, preferences, and purchasing behaviour. With your knowledges of your target segment, then found out their preferences. For example, China is a huge country, from North to South, East to West, they have difference cultural and habits. Your product maybe 100% perfect match one area, but totally awful for other. Furthermore, you have to know your competitors including domestic and international. As you need to know what is your opportunities between them.

Establishing an Online Presence

You are nobody to the China E-market at the moment. So, you have to let your target customers know your products. It means you have to introduce your products properly to China market via difference platforms. If your products are in China already, then you can use the dominated platforms such as Alibaba’s Tmall, JD.com, Taobao, and Pinduoduo. If you want to enter from outside, then you can try Tmall Global and JD Worldwide to entry China. Otherwise, you can try the social commerce platform like WeChat and Little Red Book for influencer marketing and community engagement.

Localization and Cultural Adaption

Even thought you are doing online business for decades, you still need to make change to adapt the new environment. For instance, you have to proper translate your website to Chinese. Also, the payment gateway needs to modify as well. Since visa, stripe or PayPal are not the popular in China. You have to connect the checkout process via WeChat Pay or Alipay instead.

Building Trust and Credibility

If you want to step in the market, you have to built a brand awareness and credibility through positive reviews, endorsements and partnerships with reputable local brands. Also, building trust is also important. But how to gain trust from the consumers? The very first step is making your products align with all the compliance and regulations. The let your customers know your goods and services are in high quality and reliable delivery. Then loyalty and trust will be established.

Marketing and Promotion

China was the first to embed live streaming using influencer and Key Opinion Leader (KOL) marketing strategies to reach your target group. Besides KOL marketing, you have to create a localized content such as clips, articles and infographics to attract your groups. China has its unique shopping events such as double-eleven Single’s Day on 11th November and Chinese New Year, you can offer discounts and promotions to drive sales.

Logistics and Fulfillment

You have to consider how to delivery your products to your customers. The delivery must be reliable, fast and cost-effective. Imagine someone purchased a merchandise from your platform, but it takes weeks for delivery. Then, it will not be an option to the Chinese market. When we are saying logistics, it is not only talking delivery, but also the warehousing and customs clearance. Therefore, you have to decide to set up a local warehouse or utilizing fulfillment centers to streamline inventory management and reduce shipping times. If you are shipping abroad, then you have to go through every customs procedure and compliance requirements for smooth cross-border shipping and clearance.

Data Analytics and Iterative Optimization

You have to use the big data to analysis your customer data, sales trends and consumer feedback. Then you can refine marketing strategies. This is not a one-off strategy. You have to continuously iterate and adapt strategies based on to market dynamics, emerging trends, and feedback from Chinese consumers.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Last but not the least, you have to establish a legal entity. Or utilize cross-border e-commerce pilot zones for compliance with regulations on foreign businesses operating in China. Then you have to protect your Intellectual Property. Thus, register your trademarks and patents and prevent counterfeiting and infringement. Also, ensure compliance with China’s data protection laws and regulations, including the Cybersecurity Law and Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL).

For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: Step by step for WFO E-Commerce Business Setup in China


The government just announced the 2024 Policy Address on 16 October. The theme of enhancing development and build the future together with the citizens. As a startup, an entrepreneur or a citizen, you must be concerned about what measures will have an impact on the operations of enterprises. Especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Therefore, Centre O is specially highlight to screen and integrate relevant important information for you.

Measures relevant to SMEs


– The mortgage ratio for non-residential properties (including office buildings, shops and industrial buildings, etc.) will be adjusted to 70% regardless of the property value, whether it is self-occupied or owned by a company, and whether the buyer is a “first-time home buyer”

– The upper limit of contribution to income ratio will be adjusted to 50%

– Cancellation of the 10% mortgage factor deduction arrangement for existing loans or guarantees for other mortgage properties

SME Financing Guarantee Scheme (SFGS)

– The enterprises with exiting loans approved under 80%, 90% and 100% special guarantee products. As well as new loans under 80% and 90% credit guarantee products to apply for “interest-free repayment” for up to 12 months. “Repay the principal”

– Extend the maximum loan guarantee period of 80% and 90% credit guarantee products to ten and eight years respectively, and provide a “partial principal repayment” option for new loans under the two guarantee products

Digital Transformation Support Pilot Scheme

– In order to support SMEs in seizing e-commerce opportunities, the scope of coverage will be extended to the tourism and personal service industries, etc. Also including one-to-one funding will be provided for the digital transformation of SMEs.

Employee Protection

– On 1 May 2025, the arrangement for “offsetting” severance pay and long service payment accrued by employers’ mandatory contributions under the Mandatory Provident Fund System will be cancelled. The government will also launch a 25-year subsidy plan totaling more than HK$33 billion to share the burden. Employer expenses after cancellation of “offsetting”

– Amend the “continuous contract” requirements under the Employment Ordinance, relaxing from 4 consecutive weeks of 18 hours of work per week (i.e. 72 hours in total) to 4 weeks in total of 68 hours

Top Talent Pass Scheme

– The list of universities has been expanded to 198 by adding 13 top universities at home and abroad. And the first visa period for high-income talents in the plan has been extended from 2 years to 3 years.

For further information, please contact us.



Non- Chinese Mainland Travel Permit

Good news for non-Chinese Hong Kong and Macau Permanent Residents. Starting on 10 July 2024, they can apply for a 5-year permit to travel to the Mainland for short-term purposes, such as business or tourism. Permit holders no longer need to apply for a China Visa. Then, they can travel to the mainland within the 5-year validity period, with each stay not exceeding 90 days.

How to apply?

Step 1: Online Application

Applicants must complete an application e-form on the CTS (China Travel Service) Entry Permit Service Hong Kong Limited’s website. By providing their personal information and uploading images of their Hong Kong Permanent Resident Identity Card and copy of their passport data page.

Step 2: Email Notification

Applicants will receive an email if they pass a preliminary review. They can then make an appointment at a designated CTS service centre.

Step 3: Bring Original Documents

Applicants should bring all required original documents. Including a completed application form with a recent photo, Hong Kong Permanent Resident Identity Card, passport and nationality certificates. The nationality certificates can be appied from the Hong Kong Immigration Department.

Step 4: Appointment Date

During the appointment at the CTS service centre, applicants have to take a photo at the specific photo booth. Then obtain a qualified barcode receipt and a printout of the physical photo. Line up with an application ticket from the machine when you enter the service centre and wait for your turn to submit your application via the counter. The counter officer will process your application and compete the registration. The application fee is HKD260. Before you leave the service centre, the officer will give you an acceptance receipt that shows you when to get back to the service centre and collect the permit.

Step 5: Pick up

Applicants have to pick up their permit in person with the acceptance receipt within 12 months from the scheduled date of collection.

Where are the Designated Service Centres in Hong Kong?

There are 6 CTS Centre located in:

Hong Kong Island: Sheung Wan

Kowloon: Kowloon Bay and Mong Kok

New Territories: Kwai Chung, Shek Mun and Tuen Mun

For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: China Visa Application


Hong Kong is one of the best business hubs in Asia, and it consistently ranks as one of the world’s freest economies. Its strategic location, low taxes, and business-friendly policies draw many entrepreneurs globally to do business in Hong Kong. However, before you start the business, you should understand its legal requirements – one of which is appointing a company secretary.

What is a Company Secretary?

A company secretary acts as a company’s representative in the region, ensuring that a company’s operations are managed following the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, and plays a key role in the direction, and corporate governance.

What Does a Company Secretary in Hong Kong Do?

This is not your secretary in the office. A Company Secretary is your Compliance Manager for your business. That is, to ensure your Hong Kong company operations align with all local laws. Whether these legal entities are public companies or small private companies.

Also, the Company Secretary acts as the representative to ensure your company is updated of the legislative changes and files the proper paperwork and legal obligations. So, you see the role of a Company Secretary is the primary contact with the government.

Who can be appointed as a Company Secretary?

In Hong Kong, both natural persons and corporate entities can be appointed as a company secretary. Regardless of the type of company secretary, specific prerequisites must be met.

  1. For a natural person to serve as a company secretary, they must be a Hong Kong resident.
  2. For a corporation to be appointed as a company secretary,
  3. Do ensure they are a licensed Hong Kong Trust and Corporate Service Provider (TCSP)

For further information, please contact us.



The Profit Tax Return Form is known as the “Profit Tax Return – Corporations (BIR51)”. BIR51 is used by corporations, including limited companies and other corporate entities. The purposes are to report their assessable profits and calculate the amount of profit tax payable to the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department (IRD).

Profit Tax Return BIR51 form

What information do you have to provide?

The BIR51 form not only requires details financial information about your company. For example, income, expenses, deductions, and tax liabilities for the relevant year. But also your corporation details such as postal address, contact number and principal business activity. If you have appointed an authorized representative. Then you have to fill in the form as well.

For the financial information, firstly, you have to state the accounting period, gross income and assessable profits. Secondly, you need to provide the details of deductible expenses, allowances and deductions claimed. And then fill in the computation of assessable profits and tax payable, including any tax credits or relief claimed.

Finally, you must sign the declaration of accuracy and completeness of the information provided. Please be aware any fault representation will cause heavy penalties.

When to submit the BIR51 Form?

You have to file your BIR51 within 1 month after the end of the company’s accounting period or depending on the company’s financial year-end date. For the startup, you can file within 3 months.

How to file the BIR51 form?

You can file your BIR51 paper form to the IRD’s office. Or you can file the form electronically via the IRD’s eTax portal.

Companies need to ensure accurate and timely completion of the profit tax return form to comply with Hong Kong’s tax laws and regulations and avoid penalties or legal consequences for non-compliance. Additionally, companies may seek professional advice from tax advisors or accountants to assist with the preparation and submission of their profit tax returns.

For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: What to do when I receive a Profit Tax Return?