纳税表 BIR51-BIR52:休眠公司的纳税申报表。是否有必要编制经审计的财务报表?


CENTREO 祝大家新年快乐!

亲爱的朋友们!2013 年对我们来说是充满事件、挑战、成就和新项目的一年。我们希望它也为您带来了新的机会,并希望您在即将到来的一年中为自己的成就感到自豪。
对于 2014 年,我们希望您有大胆的计划和完成这些计划所需的所有资源!我们希望您的事业蒸蒸日上,家庭兴旺发达,一年后您将带着幸福和成就感回顾2014年。

Tax Paying Form BIR51/BIR52: Using the same envelope to send correspondence for enquiries/claims and the tax return


The question is : Can you send correspondence for enquiries and tax return in the same envelope?

No. Letters of enquiries/claims should not be sent together with the tax return unless it is an objection against an estimated assessment made in the absence of the tax return. Do not staple these letters to returns or bury them among financial statements or schedules.