Holding Annual General Meeting during COVID-19

What do you need to be aware of  when Holding Annual General Meeting during COVID-19. Annual General Meeting (AGM) provides one of the few opportunities shareholders have to question the board, engage directly with management, and hear the views of other shareholders.

With the outbreak of the COVID-19 is causing companies to well plan ahead with their arrangements for 2020 AGMs in light of group gatherings and travel restrictions.  If AGM is not held at a public space, means people can access from time to time, whether by payment or not. Then, it does not break the regulations of group gatherings. 

Any Exemption?

Under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) (“CO”), there are certain resolutions to be made within a specified period. The exemption under Item 11 of Schedule 1 of the Regulation (“Item 11”) may also apply to such meeting.  Whether other types of general meetings fall within the exemption will have to be determined on a case by case basis with reference to any specific requirements under the relevant Ordinance or other regulatory instruments governing the holding of such meeting.

Possibility of deferring or adjourning AGM

As public health and safety is of paramount importance, all persons have a part to play in combating the transmission and spread of COVID-19. Companies should consider the possibility of deferring or adjourning their general meetings until after the expiration of the Specified Period taking into account whether –

  • the timing of holding the general meeting is subject to any statutory requirement;
  • any such requirement is capable of extension, waiver or otherwise; and
  • any business to be dealt with at the meeting is of such urgency and importance that necessitates the holding of the meeting.

Measures in the conduct of Annual General Meeting

(A) Hybrid meetings

The CO facilitates a hybrid meeting, namely, a physical meeting together with a form of electronic participation using tele-conferencing, video-conferencing or other electronic means.

By virtue of section 584, a company is expressly permitted to hold Annual General Meeting at 2 or more places by using technology. This enables members who are not at the same place to listen, speak and vote, subject to the provisions of the company’s articles of association (“articles”). In this connection, companies may review their articles to see if a hybrid general meeting is permissible.

To reduce the need for physical attendance, companies can use technology and digital tools to hold hybrid general meetings.

Companies may consider making necessary arrangements to segregate attendees across different venues. For example, company could provide video-links in separate meeting rooms. Then the attendee at each venue to participate.

Pursuant to section 576 of the CO, if a general meeting is to hold at 2 or more places.  The notice of meeting must specified the principal place of the meeting and the other place(s) of the meeting.

(B) Pre-registration and proxy voting

In order to better manage the number of members that may attend the meeting, companies may consider requesting members to pre-register if they (or their proxies) wish to attend the meeting in person. Companies may also encourage members to vote by proxy, or, if practicable, by electronic modes of voting, and to submit their questions to management in writing before the meeting.

Under section 585(3) of the CO, where a company has more than 1 member, subject to the provisions of the company’s articles, 2 members present in person or by proxy is a quorum of a general meeting of the company. The right to appoint a proxy and the procedures relating to the appointment of proxies stipulated in sections 596 to 608 of the CO (Subdivision 9 of Division 1 of Part 12).

(C) Restriction on the number of attendees

In the interest of public health, companies should restrict the physical attendance of attendees of a general meeting venue.  Also companies need to implement the precautionary measures set out to achieve social distancing.

(D) Other precautionary measures

Companies should implement appropriate precautionary measures at the meeting venue.  For example –

  • arranging for body temperature check for all persons entering the meeting venue. Not allow the persons with high body temperature to enter the venue;
  • requiring all persons entering the meeting venue to wear a face mask;
  • providing hand sanitizers for use by persons entering the meeting venue;
  • providing sanitizing mats at the entrance of the meeting venue; and
  • arranging for appropriate physical distancing between seats.

Companies should adopted the meeting arrangement and precautionary measure as far as practicable. Then update their members about the practices.

For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: http://centreo.hk/business-registration-ordinance-company/




与税务局的流程 – 第 1 步
在这个过程中,公司需要得到税务局已写的通知。您需要填写 IR1263 表格并将其与费用一起提交给税务局局长。

处理 CR(公司注册) – 第 2 步

公司注销(CR & IRD)


填写正确的表格 NDR1。

文件到位后,公司可以将这些文件提交给 CR。注销登记的最后步骤将如下进行。

CR 将在香港宪报刊登拟注销登记的公告。公告发布之日起三个月内未有公众反对的,将在宪报刊登最终公告。同时,申请人或被提名人也将收到同样的通知。

你可能想要了解:http :  //centreo.hk/closure-business-hong-kong/

Hong Kong Limited Company Deregistration Process

Points to Keep in Mind

Even though it might seem like something sensible to do, unless it is completely necessary. Otherwise, we have to think deep before the final decision. Before we want to move ahead and de-register the company in Hong Kong. There are other points we have to consider: 

  • It is the obligation for the business to file any outstanding Annual Returns and follow its duties as per the Companies Ordinance. Until the firm dissolved, prior to submitting the deregistration application.
  • To check the Gazette Notice for your company’s deregistration public records.
  • In case you change your address, you need to inform the Companies Registry through a letter about it to make the future communications easier.
  • If the company’s registered changed office address, or the director address. You would need to fill the necessary form for letting the Government know about the change. 

 If you are eligible and feel that you meet the requirements and still want to de-register the Hong Kong company. You can go ahead with the steps. As mentioned above, there are two steps to deregister a company and they are:

Process with Inland Revenue Department – Step 1

In this process, the company would need to get the notice that has been written by the Inland Revenue Department. For this, you would need to fill the Form IR1263 and submit it along with the fee to the Inland Revenue’s Commissioner. 

How do I deal with CR (Company Registry) – Step 2

After the company has received the “Notice of No Objection” from the IRD. You need to fill in the form along with the application for the deregistration and send it to the Registrar of Companies. The structure of the processes are as follows:

  • Company Deregistration (CR & IRD)
  • Company resolution of directors to dissolve the company
  • Appointment of proxy (de-registrator)

Hong Kong Limited Company Deregistration process with the Company Registry

Once the company has received the “Notice of No Objection” letter from the IRD. The company can proceed to de-register the company in the company Gazette. Along with this, the applicant has to submit the following to the Companies Registry: 

  • A properly completed form NDR1.
  • The original copy of the “No Objection” Notice from the Commissioner of Inland Revenue.
  • Any further information or documents that the Companies Registry of Hong Kong may request in connection with the application to deregister the company.

De-registration after letter of “Notice of No Objection”

With the documents in place, the company can submit these to the CR. The final steps of the de-registration would take place, as the following. 

  • If the Companies Registry sees that all the documentation is in right order. Company Registry will move forward with the process and issue the Letter of Approval within five working days.
  • The CR will then publish a notice of the intended deregistration in the Gazette of Hong Kong. When there is not objection from the public within three months from publishing of the announcement,  It will issue a final notice in the Gazette. Along with this, the applicant or nominated person would also be duly notified of the same.
  • Upon the announcement of the final notice, the firm will be dissolved.
  • The entire procedure will be executed within five months.
  • Upon dissolution of the company, all the company’s assets that also includes the balance of the credits in the bank account of the business would be deemed to be bona vacantia and would be held by the Hong Kong Government.
  • It is vital to notify the Business Registration Office of the Inland Revenue Department within one month of the date of discontinuance of business, to apply for a cancellation of Business Registration.
  • Until the company has been deregistered, it is still required to adhere to compliances that include the notification of situation of registered office and the filing of annual returns.

For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: http://centreo.hk/closing-business-hong-kong/

Hong Kong BUD Fund

The BUD Fund stands for “Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestics Sales”. BUD fund is to help Hong Kong enterprises capture the opportunities arising from the National 12th Five-Year Plan. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government set up the BUD Fund of $1 billion in June 2012. To help SMEs. Allowing Hong Kong start-ups, further grasp economic opportunities and boost their competitiveness. The 2018-19 Budget proposed to extend the geographical scope of the BUD Fund. Not only Hong Kong, China and Macau, but also including the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) markets by launching the “ASEAN Programme”. Moreover to increase the cumulative funding ceiling per enterprise for projects involving the Mainland China Market (the “Mainland Programme”).


To provide funding support to individual Hong Kong enterprises in undertaking projects to develop brands, upgrade and restructure their business operations and promote sales in the FTA markets and Mainland China market. So as to enhance the competitiveness and facilitate the business development in the FTA markets and Mainland China market.

What’s New

Further enhancements to the BUD Fund will be rolled out within April 2020. For the BUD Fund, the individual ceilings for each enterprise to undertake projects in the Mainland and other economies with which Hong Kong has signed Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) (cumulative funding $2 million each) will be removed. So that enterprises can flexibly make use of the total funding of up to $4 million to undertake projects in the Mainland or other economies which have signed FTAs with Hong Kong. Besides, enterprises participating in virtual exhibitions organized by Government-related organisations or reputable exhibition organisers with good track record will be eligible for funding support under BUD Fund.


All non-listed enterprises registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance (Chapter 310) with substantive business operations in Hong Kong. Irrespective of whether they belong to the manufacturing or service sector or whether they already have any business operations in the FTA markets and the Mainland China.

Funding Amount

Funding will be provided on a matching basis. The Government will cover a maximum of 50% of the total approved project cost. While the enterprise has to contribute no less than 50% of the total project cost in cash. During the tenure of the BUD Fund, each enterprise may obtain funding for a maximum of 12 approved projects. And the total cumulative funding amount is $4,000,000 under the “Mainland Programme” and the “FTA Programme”.

Project Duration

Each funded project must be complete within 24 months.

Scope of Funding

Any projects that assist individual Hong Kong enterprises in exploring and developing the Mainland China markets and FTA markets through developing brands, upgrading and restructuring operations and promoting sales are eligible.


For further information, please contact us.




除了拯救境况不佳的企业及其工人,政府于 4 月8日宣布了一项 1,375 亿港元(180 亿美元)的经济救助计划。该配套分别用于4个部分:
 1. 保留工作的财政救济(800 亿港元)
首先,政府向 150 万工人支付 50%的工资,每月上限为 9,000 港元,为期 6 个月。
这笔钱将通过雇主分配。最重要的是,受助人必须拥有强制性公积金 (MPF) 退休金计划帐户才能符合资格。
 2. 创造就业的财政救济 
一项8亿港元的计划让工人学习新技能或让企业应用更多技术。例如,Lew Firm 的视觉辅助设施。
3. 特定行业援助(210 亿港元)
学校的小食店、食堂和午餐盒供应商: 10,000-80,000 元港币。
建筑工人: 7,500 元港币。
承包商和公司: 20,000 元港币。
证券及证监会持牌人: 20,000 元港币
垃圾收集者: 8,000 元港币。
的士司机及红色小巴司机可获每月6,000 元港币 资助,为期 6 个月。
机场管理局以 20 亿港元购买 500,000 架飞机票。
本地航空公司每架飞机收取 200,000 至 100 万港元。
旅行社:20,000港元 至 200,000港元;每位员工:5,000 港元,为期 6 个月。
酒店:300,000 至 400,000 港元。
通常情况下,门店的停业订单也可获得 50,000 港元。
4. 租金优惠、费用减免、贷款
由 2020年7月1日起限时6个月,暂时放宽公共交通票价补贴计划的每月公共交通开支门槛,由400元至200元港币
将 2018/19 课税年度的缴税截止日期额外延长 3 个月。
政府楼宇租户的租金津贴从 50% 增加到 75%,为期 6 个月。
免除 125,000 名医疗保健专业人员的注册费,为期 3 年。
进一步延长免除非住户应缴水费及排污费的 75%至 2020 年 11 月,
5. 其他举措
总之,金管局调整监管为银行释放了1万亿港元的总贷款能力。 保监局为主要保险公司提供宽限期为客户缴付保费。 除此之外,政府部门会根据合同机制延长工程竣工期限和/或放宽政府工程和非工程合同的付款时间表。,最后,将开发项目的建筑契约 (BC) 的土地租赁期限延长多六个月。
你可能想要了解:http :  //centreo.hk/government-measures-support-smes/

HK$137.5 billion Financial Relief Package offered for Hong Kong SMEs

Government announced a HK$137.5 billion (US$18 billion) financial relief package on 8th April, in addition to save ailing businesses and their workers. The package is divided into 4 parts:

  1. Job retention;
  2. Job creation;
  3. Sector-specific aids;
  4. Rental concessions, fee waivers, loans

 1. Financial Relief on Job retention (HK$80 billion)

      Employment Support Scheme

  • First and foremost, Government to pay 1.5 million workers 50% of their wages, capped at HK$9,000 a month for 6 months.
  • The money will be distributed through employers. Above all recipients must have a Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) pension scheme account in order to qualify.
  • Secondly, businesses can expect to apply for financial help no later by June for the first payment.
  • Thirdly, self-employed people will get a one-off subsidy of HK$7,500

 2. Financial Relief on Job creation

  • With this in mind of unemployment rate increase in the past 3 months, the Hong Kong Government to create 30,000 job in the coming 2 years. The expenditure is HK$6 billion. To employ 10,000 civil servants and 5,000 internships.
  • Hence, a HK$800 million scheme to let workers learn new skills or let businesses apply more technology. For example, Visual Aid facilities in Lew Firm.

3. Sector-specific aids (HK$21 billion)


One-off grants to:

  • Tutorial schools: HK$40,000.
  • Tuck shops, canteens and lunchbox providers in schools: HK$10,000-HK$80,000.
  • School bus drivers and bus nannies: HK$10,000
  • Sport coaches, instructors and operators of interest classes: HK$7,500.


Construction, finance, cleaning and farming

  • Construction workers: HK$7,500.
  • Contractors and companies: HK$20,000.
  • HK stock exchange participants: HK$50,000.
  • Security and Futures Commission’s licensed individual: HK$20,000
  • Refuse collectors: HK$8,000.
  • Farmers and fishermen: HK$10,000


Transport and aviation

  • Taxi drivers and red minibus drivers to received a monthly subsidy of HK$6,000 for 6 months.
  • Tax and red minibus owners: HK$30,000.
  • Airport Authority to buy 500,000 air tickers for HK$2 billion.
  • Local airlines to receive HK$200,000 to HK$1 million for each aircraft.
  • 40 aviation support services operators: HK$1 million to HK$3 million.



  • Travel Agents: HK$20,000 to HK$200,000; each staff: HK$5,000 for 6 months.
  • Hotels: HK$300,000 to HK$400,000.
  • Coach drivers: HK$10,000


Creative industries

  • Cinemas to get HK$100,000 per screen, with a cap of HK$3 million for each company.
  • Coming Hong Kong Book Fair participants to get HK$100,000.
  • 12 selected NGOs operating businesses in public heritage building to get HK$3 million.



  • In most cases, catering outlets to get HK$250,000 to HK$2.2 million, as a result, no less than 80% to be used to cover workers’ wages. However, catering outlets cannot apply for Employment Support Scheme in the same time.
  • As a rule, outlets also get HK$50,000 for close-down order.


Subsidies for establishments order to close

  • Also, amusement game centres, bathhouses, gyms, bowling alleys, skating rinks, mahjong parlours, clubhouse operators to receive HK$100,000 each.
  • HK$30,000 to HK$100,000 for beauty salons and massage parlours, capped at HK$3 million for each chain.


4. Rental concessions, fee waivers, loans

  • MTR cut fares by 20% for 6 months from 1 July 2020  
  • To temporarily relax the monthly public transport expense threshold of the Public Transport Fare Subsidy Scheme from $400 to $200 for a time-limited period of 6 months from 1 July 2020
  • The Education Bureau (EDB) will invite all borrowing institutions and the international schools to accept the two-year loan repayment holiday.
  • Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA) will issue notification letters to student loan repayers concerned to inform them of the two-year loan repayment holiday.
  • Additional extension of 3 months on deadline for payment of tax for year of assessment 2018/19.
  • Nevertheless, to raise maximum loan amount under SME Financing Guarantee.
  • Along with rental allowance increase for tenants of government premises from 50% to 75% for 6 months.
  • Waive registration fees for 125,000 health care professionals for 3 years.
  • Further extend the 75% waiver of water and sewage charges payable by non-domestic accounts for till November 2020,


5. Other Initiatives

All together, Monetary Authority to adjust regulations  release a total lending capacity of HK$1 trillion for banks. On the whole, Insurance Authority to facilitate major insurance companies in offering a grace period for premium payments for clients. Apart from this, the Government departments will extend the deadline for project completion in accordance with contract mechanism and/or relax the payment schedules of Government works and non-works contracts. Last but not least, to extend the Building Covenant (BC) period for development projects by up to six months in land leases

For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: http://centreo.hk/government-measures-support-smes/


1/ What is Special 100% Loan Guaranteed Scheme?

The Special 100% Loan Guaranteed Scheme is a loan guarantee scheme launched by the Government aims to help SMEs to secure loans from participating lending institutions. Thereby, help minimise enterprise shutting down and layoffs during the pandemic. 


2/ Who are eligible to apply for the Special 100% Loan Guaranteed Scheme?

Local SMEs in all sectors including but not limited to retail outlets, travel, Eligible Enterprises agents, restaurants, cinemas, karaoke establishments and transport, operators, etc. with valid Business Registration Certificate


3/ What is the Application Requirements?

  • Business registration and operation in Hong Kong for at least 3 months as at the end of December 2019.
  • Suffered at least a 30% decline in sales turnover in any month since February 2020 compared with the monthly average of any quarter in 2019.


4/ Whether the Government or the lending institutions lend to customers?

All approved loans were guaranteed by the Government and lent by the lending institutions to customers directly.


5/ How to calculate the maximum facility loan amount?
  • Up to the total amount of employee wages and rents for six months; Amount or HKD4 million, whichever is lower. Or
  • If an enterprise does not have either employee(s) or rented office(s), proxy is made to 50% of the highest monthly net income in 2019 multiplied by 6.


6/ Is there any guarantee fee or handling fee?

There is NO guarantee fee; but it may involve handling fee from lending institutions.


7/ What is the loan interest rate?

Annual interest rate at 2.5% below the Prime Lending Rate. (i.e. the current effective interest rate at 2.75% p.a.)


8/ How is the Maximum Repayment Period?

36 months (with an optional principal repayment holiday for the first Repayment Period 12 months)


9/ What is the application period?

12 months starting from the scheme launch


For further information, please contact us.


You may want to read:  http://centreo.hk/special-100-loan-guarantee/


BUD 基金代表“发展品牌、升级转型及拓展国内销售市场的专项基金”。BUD基金旨在帮助港企把握国家十二五规划带来的机遇。香港特别行政区政府于 2012 年 6 月设立了 10 亿元的 BUD 基金,以帮助中小企业。让香港初创企业进一步把握经济机遇,提升竞争力。2018-19 年度预算案提议扩大 BUD 基金的地域范围,推出“东盟计划”,及提高资助个别企业推行拓展中国内地市场(“内地计划”)的累积资助。项目不仅包括香港、中国和澳门,还包括东南亚国家联盟(东盟)市场。
每个资助项目必须在 24 个月内完成。
您可能想要了解: 技术券计划 (TVP)


考虑申请人是否真正在实体店进行实质性和实质性的零售业务。政府会审查证明文件, 例如店面的近期照片、强制性公积金供款报表、租金收据和水电费账单。考虑个别个案的情况,以整体方式决定申请是否合资格。
所有符合条件的零售商必须在 2020 年 1 月 1 日之前进行过实质性和实质性的零售业务,将核实随行政记录一起提交的信息,政府会查明这些业务是否在 2020 年 1 月 1 日之前开始营业。如相关商业登记资料近期有修订,政府会要求申请人提交额外资料和文件,这可能会延长有关申请的处理时间。
你可能想要了解: 香港商业发展资助计划(续)