Application Process of Employment Agency License
Obtaining an employment agency license is not as hard as you may think. Rather it is simple and straightforward as long as you have the necessary documents and follow the application steps. There is a procedure for applying for an employment agency license. Don’t worry if you are not familiar with the process as we have it all listed out for you. The entire procedure involves two steps: Approval of proposed name and Document submission. The steps are explained thoroughly below.
- Approval of Proposed Names
- For the employment agency you wish to set up, name approval must be done first. You can do this by submitting an application to the Hong Kong Labor Department.
- Be aware that the proposed name can be rejected if it is the following:
- Same or similar to another employment agency’s name
- Infringes on trademarks
- Offensive or contrary to public interest
- Document Submission
- The second step is to turn in the documents required for the license application process. This is sent to the Labor Department. This task is for the nominated operator or director. He or she submits the documents in person and goes to an interview for it. It usually takes 3 to 4 weeks for application to go through. Afterwards, there is a license fee that is issued by the Employment Agency License of HK$2,000. There is an issue of 12 months with the license being displayed at all times in office.
- These are the documents that need to be submitted:
- Employment Agency License Application and the Supplementary Form
- A certified true copy of Hong Kong ID cards or travel documents of each of the directors and the nominated operator of the company (travel documents must indicate that the persons concerned are allowed to take up employment or establish a business in Hong Kong without any restrictions)
- Certified true copies of Business Registration Certificate, Certificate of Incorporation and Articles of Association of the company
- A certified copy of the Notification of first secretary and directors
- A certified true copy of the Notification of changes of secretary and directors (if applicable)
- A true copy of the document confirming the appointment of the nominated operator
If your application is rejected for some reason, you are able to appeal to the Labor Department’s Administrative Appeal Board within 28 days of notice. If you need to renew your employment agency license, please submit an application for renewal two months before expiry date with a fee of HK$2,000. The following documents are required:
- A completed prescribed ‘Renewal of License’ application form
- A Declaration Form (declaring that the applicant is not an undischarged bankrupt)
- An Authorization to conduct a criminal record check on the applicant
- A true certified copy of a valid Business Registration Certificate
你的签证最终获批后下一步不知道是什么?Center O 随时为您的业务提供帮助。一旦您的签证获得批准,您就可以开始申请香港身份证的过程,我们可以一步一步地帮助您完成身份证申请流程。Center O 的使命是在整个业务流程中为您提供帮助,让您可以专注于经营业务。
年满 18 岁申请成人身份证的人士
年满 11 岁的儿童申请未成年人身份证
可查阅了解: 我可以在没有香港身份证的情况下开展业务吗
公司注册– 成立香港公司并从香港公司注册处取得公司注册证书
指定经营者– 提名公司董事或高级职员以及香港公民、香港永久居民或就业签证持有人担任代理经营者。被提名人在过去 5 年内不能是未获解除破产的破产者或被定罪的人
Benefits of using Cloud Accounting
Owners created and started their small businesses with the purpose and intention of doing what they love. Their passions are brought into the real world. Small-business owners are passionate in serving their customers. Therefore, they hope to make something special with their businesses. In an ideal world, these business owners do not have to worry about the admin aspect of running their businesses. This includes spending hours on bookkeeping and accounting. However, this can be solved by using cloud accounting.
Part of running a business is managing your accounts. Going to an actual bank can be inconvenient when you are always on the go. As technology continues to improve, there are better ways to manage your business. Centre O is here to provide an accessible way to manage your bank account using cloud accounting. You are then able to focus on pursuing new business opportunities.
Cloud accounting is an account software that provides accounting capabilities to businesses. All of the data you put into the cloud accounting software system is sent into “the cloud.” This is why the name of the system is called cloud accounting. The data you deliver to the cloud is processed as soon as possible.
Centre O uses a cloud accounting software called Xero. We use Xero as the basis of any small business worldwide. It is a reliable cloud accounting software that our customers can always trust. Xero is an online accounting software that provides the necessary tools and tight security for your business. As your business continues to grow, we are here to help you run your business on the go.
With our help via Xero, you will be able to focus on growing your business efficiently. No more spending extra time wasted on worrying about the accounting aspect.
Managing your Business via Cloud Base Platform Xero
Starting your own business can be exciting as you get to pursue your interests and make your ideas into reality, at the same time, it comes with responsibilities and tasks on the daily. This includes accounting work, administration tasks, and clerical duties. It can become quite difficult to manage everything at the same time, especially for small businesses and Start-up companies. You should be able to focus on your priorities without having to deal with the accounting and admin aspect of it.
Centre O can help you manage your business using Xero. Not only will you able to focus on your business but you also will not have to worry about the admin and accounting process of it. With the efficient system that we are using, you can access your finance and data information easily from the cloud. The secured system processes and protects all your information. We can assist you in whatever you need to get done so you can solely focus on your business.
Xero has many features include its mobile app, online invoices, and bank transactions. Xero is efficient in helping you pay, get updated, import and categorize your latest bank transactions. Small businesses can access all their necessary data from the cloud server anywhere they go. This makes it easier for businesses to be organised, adding and accessing their accounting information stored in the cloud database. Xero also updates you daily on your bank accounts and financial position, letting you know the total amount of cash going in and out. If there are any issues or problems, Xero’s tools can smooth out the miscommunications and locate anything within the cloud.
We work together with Xero to help you manage your business in terms of the accounting and administrative work. By doing so, you no longer need to worry about these responsibilities.
Read more:
Center O 可以帮助您使用 Xero 管理您的业务。您不仅可以专注于您的业务,而且您也不必担心它的管理和会计流程。借助我们正在使用的高效系统,您可以轻松地从云端访问您的财务和数据信息,安全系统处理并保护您的所有信息。我们可以协助您完成任何您需要做的工作,这样您就可以专注于您的业务。
Xero 具有许多功能,包括其移动应用程序、在线发票和银行交易。Xero 可高效地帮助您支付、更新、导入和分类最新的银行交易。小型企业可以随时随地从云服务器访问所有必要的数据,这使企业可以更轻松地进行组织、添加和访问存储在云数据库中的会计信息。Xero 还会每天更新您的银行账户和财务状况,让您了解进出的现金总额,如果有任何问题或问题,Xero 的工具可以消除误传并在云中定位任何内容。
我们与 Xero 合作,帮助您在会计和行政工作方面管理您的业务。这样做您不再需要担心这些责任。
Keeping Your Company Records for 7 years
Do you remember the last time you sorted all of your company records? It can be quite confusing and frustrating keeping track of all of your documents. Nevertheless this is always the last task on your to-do list.
According to the Company Ordinance, Section 51C of the Inland Revenue Ordinance requires every person carrying on a trade, profession or business in Hong Kong to keep sufficient records in the English or Chinese language of his income and expenditure to enable the assessable profits to be readily ascertained. These records shall be retained for a period of not less than 7 years. Failure to comply with the requirements of the Ordinance without reasonable excuse may be liable to a maximum fine of HK$100,000.
Although you can view up to 6 months of records ( depending on which commercial bank you are using) via your online banking. We suggest you to download or request a monthly statement to be sent to your registered office address. As you will be needing all the monthly statements for year end accounting and auditing purpose.
Banks like The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) Bank operates in Hong Kong, they do have a policy of retaining the records for up to a seven-year period. Customers are required to fill out a form at the HSBC Commerical branch and deduct an administrative fee of Hk$50 per page of reprint and sending to your registered office. This normally takes 1 to 2 weeks for the bank to process.
If you are unable to keep track of your company records, we suggest you to also get the bank to send you a monthly statement. Therefore, you are sure that there is a hardcopy of the statement to keep in your shoe box, so when it’s time for the year end accounting and auditing, you know where every documents are.
Centre O also offer monthly accounting service via Xero, we will be able to help keep, maintain, trace and also arrange monthly reconciliation with your bank status to reflect your business financial status.
You can read more about this here:
根据《公司条例》,《税务条例》第 51C 条规定每名在香港经营行业、专业或业务的人,须以英文或中文备存足够的收支记录,以方便应课税评估利润。这些记录应保留不少于 7 年。无合理辩解而未能遵守条例的规定,最高可被罚款 100,000 港元。
虽然您可以通过网上银行查看最多 6 个月的记录(取决于您使用的商业银行)。我们建议您下载或请求将月结单发送到您的注册办公地址,因为后期的年终会计和审计,你需要用到所有的月报表。
香港上海汇丰银行(HSBC)银行等银行在香港经营,他们的政策是将记录保留长达七年。客户须于汇丰商业分行填写表格,并扣除每页 50 元港币的管理费,即可寄往您的注册办事处。银行通常需要 1 到 2 周的时间来处理。
Center O 还有 Xero 提供月度会计服务,我们能够帮助保持、维护、跟踪并安排每月与您的银行状况对账,以反映您的业务财务状况。
Hong Kong Limited Companies Having Business Activities with Sanctioned Countries
When starting your own business in Hong Kong, there are many things to consider such as regulations and policies. Without the hassle and confusion, we can assist your process of opening a business bank account in Hong Kong. Centre O offer commercial bank account introducing services, short listing of which bank(s) to approach, walking you through the whole procedure of company bank account opening as well as liaison with the right officer to get your account setup.
However, before you even start planning for the company bank account setup, one of the most important things to keep in mind is which countries of clients or suppliers you should be working with. There is a list of Countries that are sanctioned. Sanctioned countries have certain restrictions on operating businesses and also transferring funds via your business bank accounts. Hence, a list of the targeted countries was created by the OFAC.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) places and enforces sanctions against targeted countries. The sanctions put in place are based on the foreign trading policies and national security goals. For example, frozen assets, prohibited payments of funds, and prohibited provisions of services can be placed as restrictions. Companies are unable to open their business bank accounts in countries like Hong Kong because they are owned or controlled by, or acting for or on behalf of, targeted countries.
Below with the list the OFAC made of the targeted countries depending on the activities these countries are engaged in. The list of active programs under OFAC are involved in the following activities:
- Conflict Diamonds
- Cyber-related Crimes
- Foreign Election Interference
- Human Rights Abuse (Magnitsky Act)
- Narcotics Trafficking
- Foreign Terrorist Organisations (FTOs) and Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGT)
- Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Proliferation
OFAC updates its list on its website as frequently as possible, giving the latest updates. According to OFAC Compliance Guide as of May 31st, 2019, there are currently 19 sanctioned countries. Alongside their statuses that were last updated, the names of the sanctioned countries are listed below.
- Balkans……………………………………………………………………………………………………02/2017
- Belarus…………………………………………………………………………………………………….10/2018
- Burundi……………………………………………………………………………………………………06/2016
- Central African Republic…………………………………………………………………………….12/2017
- Cuba………………………………………………………………………………………………………..02/2018
- Democratic Republic of Congo……………………………………………………………………03/2019
- Iran………………………………………………………………………………………………………….04/2019
- Iraq…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12/2017
- Lebanon…………………………………………………………………………………………………..07/2010
- Libya………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11/2018
- Nicaragua………………………………………………………………………………………………..04/2019
- North Korea…………………………………………………………………………………………….04/2019
- Somalia…………………………………………………………………………………………………..07/2018
- Sudan & Dufar…………………………………………………………………………………………06/2018
- Syria……………………………………………………………………………………………………….03/2019
- Ukraine/Russia……………………………………………………………………………………….04/2019
- Venezuela……………………………………………………………………………………………….04/2019
- Yemen……………………………………………………………………………………………………04/2015
- Zimbabwe……………………………………………………………………………….……………..04/2017
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