Application Process of Employment Agency License

Obtaining an employment agency license is not as hard as you may think. Rather it is simple and straightforward as long as you have the necessary documents and follow the application steps. There is a procedure for applying for an employment agency license. Don’t worry if you are not familiar with the process as we have it all listed out for you. The entire procedure involves two steps: Approval of proposed name and Document submission. The steps are explained thoroughly below. 



  • Approval of Proposed Names


      1. For the employment agency you wish to set up, name approval must be done first. You can do this by submitting an application to the Hong Kong Labor Department. 
      2. Be aware that the proposed name can be rejected if it is the following:
        1. Same or similar to another employment agency’s name
        2. Infringes on trademarks
        3. Offensive or contrary to public interest


  • Document Submission


    1. The second step is to turn in the documents required for the license application process. This is sent to the Labor Department. This task is for the nominated operator or director. He or she submits the documents in person and goes to an interview for it. It usually takes 3 to 4 weeks for application to go through. Afterwards, there is a license fee that is issued by the Employment Agency License of HK$2,000. There is an issue of 12 months with the license being displayed at all times in office.
    2. These are the documents that need to be submitted:
      1. Employment Agency License Application and the Supplementary Form
      2. A certified true copy of Hong Kong ID cards or travel documents of each of the directors and the nominated operator of the company (travel documents must indicate that the persons concerned are allowed to take up employment or establish a business in Hong Kong without any restrictions)
      3. Certified true copies of Business Registration Certificate, Certificate of Incorporation and Articles of Association of the company
      4. A certified copy of the Notification of first secretary and directors
      5. A certified true copy of the Notification of changes of secretary and directors (if applicable)
      6. A true copy of the document confirming the appointment of the nominated operator


If your application is rejected for some reason, you are able to appeal to the Labor Department’s Administrative Appeal Board within 28 days of notice. If you need to renew your employment agency license, please submit an application for renewal two months before expiry date with a fee of HK$2,000. The following documents are required:


  • A completed prescribed ‘Renewal of License’ application form
  • A Declaration Form (declaring that the applicant is not an undischarged bankrupt)
  • An Authorization to conduct a criminal record check on the applicant
  • A true certified copy of a valid Business Registration Certificate


你的签证最终获批后下一步不知道是什么?Center O 随时为您的业务提供帮助。一旦您的签证获得批准,您就可以开始申请香港身份证的过程,我们可以一步一步地帮助您完成身份证申请流程。Center O 的使命是在整个业务流程中为您提供帮助,让您可以专注于经营业务。 
年满 18 岁申请成人身份证的人士
年满 11 岁的儿童申请未成年人身份证
可查阅了解: 我可以在没有香港身份证的情况下开展业务吗


公司注册– 成立香港公司并从香港公司注册处取得公司注册证书
指定经营者– 提名公司董事或高级职员以及香港公民、香港永久居民或就业签证持有人担任代理经营者。被提名人在过去 5 年内不能是未获解除破产的破产者或被定罪的人