
香港国际钻石、宝石及珍珠展将于2月27日至3月3日举行。该活动已第五次在香港会议展览中心举行。此外,专业观众入场费为100 元港币 ,且必须年满 18 岁。将会有1,906家参展商展示他们的珠宝供参观者购买,还有钻石、珍珠和宝石/半宝石。如果您从事珠宝行业,这将是您的商店进货并了解所有珠宝趋势的绝佳机会!


提示 1:
提示 2:
Center O 将于 2 月 15 日下午 4 点休息,并于 2 月 20 日星期二恢复工作。在这里祝大家财源滚滚,假期愉快。

Three Tips to Follow For Fortunate Chinese New Year

Three Tips to Follow For a Fortunate Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is approaching! This New Year’s Day will be on 16 February and is also the year of dog. If you are born in 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994 and 2006, having zodiac sign of dog, this year you will be blessed!

In the New Year’s Day, 16 February, Chinese people have the tradition to give red pocket to wish people a good luck.  They will share grand meal with family as well as having some culture activities such as watching dragon dance and visiting flower markets. Chinese welcome the New Year with joy and pleasure, but do you know there are some things that you should avoid? Here below are some examples.

Tip 1:

Don’t break tools or equipment. Breaking things refer to bad luck in China, so keep your delicate belongings carefully if you have children or pet. If there is something broken, wrap the pieces with red paper to get away from the bad luck.

Tip 2:

Don’t give red pocket or presents in odd number, always make it an even number, usually two. But never make it four, because it is linked with death. Eight will also be a good choice as it is an auspicious number in China.


Last but not least, don’t wash your hair in the New Year Day, as it is considered to be washing away your wealth. It is because in Chinese the pronunciation of hair “fa” is the same with that of wealth. Chinese believed that washing hair will affect your income in the coming year.

Wishing all of you a great fortune and a wonderful holiday. Centre O will be close from 4pm on 15 February and will resume to work on Tuesday 20 February.

Happy New Year! Kung Hei Fat Choi!

The process of registering a trademark?

The process of registering a trademark?

Once the application for your trademark has been received, an examiner will process it according to code. The process is

    • Application
    • Deficiencies Checking
    • Search & Examination
    • Publication for Opposition
    • Hearing
    • Registration

Time Required for the application is usually 6-8 months, so planning ahead here is key.

For more information about process trademark, please feel free to contact us at

Also, we wrote a short blog about what a trademark is. You can read the blog below. Last, If you have any questions in regard to the blog then feel free to contact us. 


Why register a trademark in Hong Kong?

Why register a trademark in Hong Kong?

Registering your trademark in Hong Kong means you can:

    • Have the exclusive right to use the trademark
    • No one else may use your individual trademark. If someone uses your trademark without permission, they are liable for infringement of your rights and you may take legal action.
    • Registering makes it easy to prove that you are the owner and it limits the use

Before applying, it may be a good idea to make sure that no one else has registered a trademark that is the same or similar to yours. This is made easy by going to the Trade Mark Registry. At the Trade Mark Registry, business owners can search and get advice from officials who may guide you down the correct, legal path. A trademark should be distinctive, new, and representative of what you’re trying to sell. It should not look like others, be redundant, and should be something that catches a customer’s eye.

For more information about trademark, please feel free to contact us at

Also, we wrote a short blog about what a trademark is. You can read the blog below. If you have any questions in regard to the blog then feel free to contact us. 


有关商标的更多信息,请随时通过 与我们联系。


最后,有关商标的更多信息,请通过 或直接致电 3124 2888 与我们联系。
其他相关链接:http : //

What is a trademark?

What is a Trademark?

First and foremost, a trademark is a sign/symbol that distinguishes the brand of one business from the other. Furthermore, it can be words, indications, designs, letters, or any other defining characteristics. What is a sign? A sign as a trademark can be represented graphically. 

Last, for more information about trademark, kindly contact us at or call us directly at 3124 2888.

Other related links: 

企业家访谈 FYIONA

企业家访谈 Fyiona
Fyiona 最近在 Center O 的帮助下成立了她的公司“Wholistic Coachsulting”,开始了她的创业之旅。她很高兴地接受了分享她迈出成为企业家的步骤的经验!
1)     是什么让你成为一名企业家?
首先,作为壳牌最年轻的运营主管,我经常听到 X 世代或婴儿潮一代的同龄人,因为他们有资格、懒惰和不耐烦而去抨击千禧一代。在领导过从 Z 世代到婴儿潮一代的团队后,我学会了如何有效地跨代领导,这促使我支持其他经理利用和拥抱千禧一代员工有目的的动力和雄心勃勃的心态。
我的使命是改变千禧一代在企业环境工作场所的看法。我想与千禧一代和 Z 一代分享我作为千禧一代高管和招聘经理的专业经验,为他们的成功做好准备。
在荷兰皇家壳牌公司工作了 14 年之后,我意识到我公司职业生涯中最充实的部分是通过指导和指导支持我的团队和同事的专业和个人成长。我对人才发展的热情促使我在壳牌香港建立了第一个女性网络。这就是我们为壳牌客户在亚太地区的业务开展区域员工参与计划和指导计划的地方。
2)     你能与我们分享更多关于你的业务吗?你是做什么的?是什么时候开始的?
我是 Wholestic Coachsulting Ltd 的创始人和千禧一代专家。我帮助公司和高管创建有效和参与的多代团队。同时,我将千禧一代人才和商业资深人士之间的价值点联系起来,以培养相互学习和尊重的文化,并为创新建立一个开放的结构。
在她的视频中发现 Fiyona:https :// 
3)     什么使你在竞争对手中独树一帜?
在香港,我目前是唯一一位在职的千禧一代教练,是一名经过认证的千禧一代教练,拥有 14 年在财富 50 强公司担任高管和招聘经理的企业经验,对财务、数字化转型、运营、精益管理有深刻见解,领导力和变革管理。
4)      Center O 商务中心如何帮助您开展业务?
Center O 尤其是 Leslie Marquis 对提供有关注册我的业务的技术方面的见解非常有帮助。在决定专注于咨询之前,Leslie 对我非常坦率,对我的公司进行深度了解并发表了意见,她把我的最大利益放在心上,希望我成为一名成功的独立企业家。
工商注册过程非常顺利,几天之内就完成了。由于我处于创业初期,我经常观察 Leslie 很积极的定期签到。这也使我知道 Centre O 确实可以提供进一步的支持,还包括这次访谈邀请。我期待着在 2018 年与 Center O 继续保持强有力的合作伙伴关系!
Fyiona Yong
创始人 | 认证教练 | 千禧一代专家

Entrepreneur Interview Fyiona ~ Millennial Engagement Expert

Entrepreneur Interview Fyiona

An introduction

Fyiona recently started her entrepreneurial journey by founding her company ‘Wholistic Coachsulting’ with the help of Centre O. She nicely accepted to share her experience about taking the step of becoming an entrepreneur!

Enjoy reading

The interview

1)     What made you became an entrepreneur?

First, As the youngest Head of Operations in Shell, I heard much too often how my peers who are Gen X or Baby Boomers are bashing on Millennials for being entitled, lazy and impatient. Having led teams spanning across Gen Z to Baby Boomers, I learned how to effectively lead across generations. This motivated me to support other managers to start leveraging and embracing the purposeful drive and ambitious mindset of Millennial employees.

My mission is to make a difference in how Millennials are being perceived in the corporate environment workplace. I want to share my professional experience as a Millennial Executive and a Hiring Manager with fellow Millennials and Gen Z to set them up for success.

After +14 years career in Royal Dutch Shell, I realized that the most fulfilling part of my corporate career revolved around supporting my team and colleagues in their professional and personal growth through coaching and mentoring. My passion for people development resulted in establishing the first Women’s Network in Shell Hong Kong. This is where we launched regional Employee Engagement initiatives and Mentoring Programs for Shell Customer Operations in Asia-Pacific.

The main driver to take the leap into entrepreneurship was my desire to magnify my impact in more organizations and enable them to leverage on the strengths and passions of a generational diverse team.


2)     Could you share with us more about your business? What do you do? And when did you start?

I am the Founder of Wholistic Coachsulting Ltd and a Millennial Engagement Expert. I helps companies and executives create effective and engaged multi-generational teams. Also, I connect the value dots between millennial talents and business veterans to foster a culture of mutual learning and respect and an open structure for innovation to take place.

Furthermore, I believe that overcoming generational differences and embracing generational diversity will lead to increased productivity and morale. I work with Corporate and Executives to bridge generational gaps to achieve a more engaged and happier work environment for everyone.

Basically, my focus is also on Millennial talents whereby I empower them to excel in their workplace and shape them to become inspiring future leaders.

My mission is to help Millennials develop greater self-awareness, overcome limiting self-beliefs, and lead with confidence. Being a Millennial myself, we speak the same language and together, we work on unleashing your talents and help you create a desirable life.

Discover Fiyona on her video:


3)     What makes you unique from your competitors?

It’s important to find a niche that you identify with. In addition, I could have given up as a Coach as there are many experienced coaches in the market already. Instead, I did my research to understand more about my unique strengths and expertise I can offer.

In Hong Kong, I am currently the only active Millennial Coach who is a Millennial, a certified Coach and have 14 years of corporate experience as an Executive and Hiring Manager in a Fortune 50 company with insights in Finance, Digital Transformation, Operations, Lean Management, Leadership and Change Management.

Last, I coach and consult both the senior executives as well as the Millennial talents. This is in order to bridge generational differences and create a more inclusive work environment where everyone can be the best version of themselves and thrive.

4)     How did Centre O Business Centre help with your business?

Centre O and especially Leslie Marquis were extremely helpful to provide insights into the technical aspects of registering my business. Before deciding to focus on Consulting, Leslie was very candid with me to strongly consider registering my business.She had my best interest at heart and wanted me to succeed as a solo-preneur.

The business registration process was very smooth and was completed within a few days. As I am in my early stage of establishing my business, I observe regular and proactive check-ins from Leslie. This is to ensure that I am aware that Centre O is available to provide further support. This is including the invitation to contribute to this interview. I’m looking forward to a year of a continued strong partnership with Centre O in 2018!

Fyiona Yong
Founder | Certified Coach | Millennial Engagement Expert